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Archive for March 2010

Buying Your Own Computer: Getting the Pre-built or Building your Own

By: Ailene B. Misa Posted: 30 Mar, 2010

Maybe you are planning to purchase your personal desktop computers.   It’s great that you found this article before buying one.   I want you to take a look and consider which is the best way or option to choose in getting your own computer.

This article will give you an idea which to consider in buying your own computer.  The prebuilt or packaged computers or buying different parts and built your own computer.  Which is better?

I will try to give you pros... continue |

Skype: More than an Instant Messenger, Better than your Phone

By: Ailene B. Misa Posted: 23 Mar, 2010

Most of us are hooked into IM or Instant Messaging.  At the present time, there are millions of IM users around the world that keeps on exchanging their information in just a press of Enter key from their keyboard.

We all know that everywhere we go; we could see hundreds or maybe thousands of computer terminals with Internet connection.  I am convinced that those terminals also provide instant messaging.  Regardless of our age, everyone is aware on how to use instant... continue |

Why you should use Media Player Classic Home Theater than any other player?

By: Ailene B. Misa Posted: 23 Mar, 2010

Everyone tighten their belts due to the economic crisis that we are experiencing.  At present, most of us are contented of watching movies at home instead of going to cinema places.  We say that it is more convenient and practical. 

Today we have a lot of P2P downloader which I discussed in my previous articles.  This software allows us to download any file like music and video files over the Internet.  There are some who prefer this method instead of buying... continue |

Blogging - the growth of new media

By: Vianca C. Villar Posted: 21 Mar, 2010
Whenever we look for a nice piece of equipment, furniture, apparel, or an assortment of products what is the first thing that most of us consumers do? Isn’t it that we usually do a little bit of window shopping or at least get recommendations from friends? The set-up is no different for online buying. Needless to say, the internet offers a wide array of things you can purchase that may not even be available at your local stores. For this... continue |

Discovering IM, its roots, development, features and success

By: Vianca C. Villar Posted: 20 Mar, 2010

It is unlikely that you meet an internet user who has not heard nor used the Instant Messaging (IM) system. There are about a million IM subscribers around the globe exchanging messages every minute of every day. Sure enough, you may have at least one or a number of registered IM accounts or is at least familiar with how the service works. Right? This article aims to discover IM, its roots, development and features leading to its success.  

For the... continue |

The Top and Commonly Used Web Browsers

By: Ailene B. Misa Posted: 03 Mar, 2010

Every computer user and Internet browser uses different web browser.  Actually most of them are not after the name of the browser instead the usability that it can provide is the thing that they consider. The question is which among those web browsers are best and convenient to use. 

In this article I will try to give you an update of the most popular and commonly used web browser today.  Just choose which fit to your needs.  Almost all browsers can... continue |


