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Archive for July 2010

Bad Effects of the Rarity of Laptop Repair Shops

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 30 Jul, 2010

Last week, I had my laptop broken. After checking it, I found out that the keyboards were broken. There aren’t scratches, or dents. The touch pad is also working just fine. However, each letter and number doesn’t appear in the monitor as I type each specific character. Oh, I just hated that moment. Considering the expensive laptop was just days old, now it has damage already. How I wish I could get back on whoever dropped it down the floor... continue |

Ways in maintaining your laptop

By: Mon Peter I. Damiles Posted: 25 Jul, 2010

Laptops are made for on the go users. A laptop and a desktop computer differ when it comes to the physical components but is almost the same when it comes to performance. Laptop parts are more sensitive compared to a desktop computer and it is also more expensive when it comes to repairs and upgrades. To avoid repairs that can cost you thousand of pesos, there are some tips in maintaining your laptop computer.

Free your laptop from dusts: Dust is... continue |

Computer Hardware Upgrading Tips

By: Mon Peter I. Damiles Posted: 15 Jul, 2010

Upgrading is the term used by computer users to add or replace hardware components to a better one to improve performance. Before upgrading your computer you must first know your hardware components. You must know your motherboard, CPU (Processor), RAM (memory), hard disk, video card and also your power supply. Most hardware components are upgradable but will still depend on your components. Below are some tips to help you in upgrading your computer.

Motherboard- When upgrading your motherboard, make sure to... continue |

The pros and cons of internal and external storage drives

By: Melissa Reyes Posted: 14 Jul, 2010

You are in a dilemma. You hardly make a decision whether internal storage drive is used or external storage device is more proper. Your decision signifies the needs and it is not only the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

 You must further be educated at first. It’s not because you need it or simply like external storage or internal but you have to consider as well some pros and cons of both. Let’s look at its both sides:

First, if you... continue |

Important things to consider on buying a laptop

By: Melissa Reyes Posted: 14 Jul, 2010

Looking around, I can see almost all students have their laptop with them. This has been the most useful and the best tool for their education. Laptops perform multi-task from their assignments to their projects as well as to their presentation in classrooms. They always find the workflow very smooth but productive and effective.

With the recent trend brought by technology, there can be no doubt that many students will buy their laptops sooner or later. For this reason, I can... continue |

Tips To Prevent Computer Overheating

By: Mon Peter I. Damiles Posted: 13 Jul, 2010

During the start of the computer era, computer cases were having issues when it comes to cooling due to lack of fans and proper air flow. Earlier case designs are not effective when it comes to dissipating heat which caused many computer units to overheat. Heat buildup can cause various problems. It can cause your computer to hang, to restart, to shut down unexpectedly and most of all; it can really damage your hardware components.

One of the most common symptoms... continue |

Gadget Buying Tip: 5 Factors You Need to Pick Satisfying Thingamajig

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 12 Jul, 2010

People get easily hooked with the hi-tech thingy bandwagon. Being exposed to advertisements and trendy friends can make you decide without thinking. Later when the excitement is over, you’ll discover out the blue that what you bought isn’t what you need. To avoid this kind of dilemma, consider these 5 wise equipping things:

Factor 1: Specific Reason

Ask yourself why are you buying? Do you really need that “so cool” gadget? If you really do, consider other alternative way in satisfying your... continue |

Laptop or PC: What Would You Choose?

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 10 Jul, 2010

It’s so easy to buy, but to endure the consequences of unwise decision is different. It is difficult and utterly stressing. Others may choose laptop, while some may prefer PC. To tell you, there is no absolute choice. Whichever you’ll choose between personal computer and laptop, your decision should depend on your individual needs and present situation. This article will give you idea on when you should select laptop and what circumstances requires you to have PC.

Choose Laptop If…

…you really... continue |


