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Archive for September 2010

What is the Life Expectancy of a Computer?

By: Melissa Reyes Posted: 30 Sep, 2010

I've just bought my laptop recently and I wonder how long it lasts? I still kept the warranty certificate to be ready in case a problem occurs. But what is really the life expectancy of a computer whether a laptop or a desktop?

Generally, the length of time for every system that runs smoothly depends on the users. Usually, errors and data corruption happen only if the user doesn't properly use it. However, inescapably, we come across some troubles that we... continue |

How to format a computer and install Windows XP for beginners

By: Megan B. Bolivar Posted: 23 Sep, 2010
Do you have the guts to mess with your computer? if yes i will teach you how to format your computer nice and easy. You dont need to go to a computer repair shop and let the computer technician format your computer and then lose some money for the service rendered to your Personal computer. You might also end up spending alot of money than you least expected because if you end up with a unscrupulous computer technician he might... continue |


