Archive for September 2010
Compare and contrast: What is the similarities and dissimilarities between Java and .Net?
Being professional, web designer is characterized by eclecticism for he knows best what fits for his website. Before starting his program, he needs stable mindset to what is accessible and appropriate to suffice his visitors’ interests and needs. Yet he knows Java and .Net are the most popularly used to build web applications, he, in all aspects weighs the pros and cons of both. Though we hardly decide as to what is better or winner but what is fascinating... continue |
What is Artificial Intelligence?
What is artificial intelligence? I believe almost everyone knows the word artificial intelligence. Its definition may vary from one another. According to, it is the ability of a computer or other machine to perform those activities that are normally thought to require intelligence.
Though the meaning is regarded as relative and its definition is very broad, it simply results in with its main idea of which a machine exhibits intelligence regardless of what measures it does. It has been... continue |