Archive for March 2011
How to Register for TESDA Computer Technician Exam CHS NCII
By: Louie Jacinto Posted: 16 Mar, 2011
TESDA CHS NCII Exam is the certification exam for students who took the Computer Hardware Servicing (CHS) National Certificate II (NCII). This exam will determine your skill level on Troubleshooting and Repairing computers as well as your knowledge of Computer Networking.
After completing your training course on CHS NCII. You can now register for TESDA certification exam.
You can register for the CHS NCII exam on any TESDA testing center nearest your place. The requirements for the exam are 2 copies of... continue |
After completing your training course on CHS NCII. You can now register for TESDA certification exam.
You can register for the CHS NCII exam on any TESDA testing center nearest your place. The requirements for the exam are 2 copies of... continue |
Training On Computer Hardware Servicing Courses For TESDA
By: Cresencio Daffon Jr. Posted: 16 Mar, 2011
You have 4 course options to choose when you like to study about TESDA Computer Hardware Servicing NCII Courses, these are:
Troubleshooting and Repair w/ OJT for PC Hardware and Software
Troubleshooting and Repair for LAPTOP Servicing, Assembly, Hardware
Active Directory Infrastructure Administration PC LAN/WAN Setup and Windows 2003 Server
Computer Hardware Servicing NCII with Exam (Fast Track) for TESDA
With these courses mentioned, a student will surely get the mode of instruction suitable for their needs and it comes on a hands-on training style by... continue |