Archive for August 2012
E-banking, banking made easy and convenient
We are all aware that every moment, our technology is getting better and better. Technology is being used and utilized for our convenience. One of the proofs of convenience from technology is what they call “e-banking” which means that you could easily access your bank account anywhere at any time.
Years back, we don’t have any choice but to go to the bank to transact but because of the advancement of technology; banking now could be done at the convenience of... continue |
Importance of backing up your files
Have you experienced your computer being infected by a virus which wiped away all your files or a failing hard drive that suddenly can’t be recognized? Viruses and drive failures could result to corruption of personal and important files. Some can’t prevent the said problems and one of the solutions that we could do is to backup your files every now and then.
Backing up is the method of copying your files to another drive or disk. This would serve as... continue |
Logitech's Washable Keyboard
If you are one of those computer users that can’t resist eating and drinking besides your computer, this article might please you. Most of us are aware that electronic equipments are sensitive to dust, heat and especially water. In offices, computers are used in working and there are times we couldn’t prevent accidents or spilling liquids like coffee, juice and water into your keyboards.
Based from personal experience, I was also guilty in drinking and eating besides my computer especially if... continue |
Social networking sites in time of calamity
Social networking sites are usually used to communicate with friends and share status and pictures but during the time of calamity here in the Philippines, Facebook and Twitter was used to help one another. During the flood, the said social networking sites were used to help those who are in need. I was amazed how the said social networking sites played a big role during that time.
With the help of the said sites, it made it easier for our rescuers... continue |