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Archive for May 2014

Computer preventive maintenance guide

By: Mon Peter I. Damiles Posted: 31 May, 2014
Maintaining a computer could be compared to a car wherein you need to check it every now and then in order to make sure that it's running at its peak. It is called preventive maintenance because we prevent any failure that might occur by inspecting and maintaining it well. Unlike a car, maintaining a computer would be a lot easier. Below would be some tips that could help you maintain your computer.

Disk Defragmenter - Defragging your disks could help speed up your computer by rearranging files on your disk.

Registry cleaner program - Installing a registry cleaner program could help your computer run faster by fixing your registry.

Cleaning your case - Once in a while, it would be a good idea to clean your case in order to clear dusts for better airflow. One of the very reasons why a computer overheats is that the heat dissipated by the components couldn't go out because of a dirty case. While cleaning your case, you could also try managing your wires properly. It would also result to a better airflow for your case. Adding an additional fan could also help a lot.

Uninstall unneeded programs - If there would be programs on your... ... continue |

Advancement of newer laptops vs the old ones

By: Mon Peter I. Damiles Posted: 30 May, 2014
We are all aware that laptops nowadays are far better compared to those created a few years back. I am one of those who own a laptop that is already more than 5 years old but I am happy to say that until now its overall condition is still good except for its battery. In this article, I would like to share several improvements that newer laptop has that laptops before do not.

Speed - Newer laptops of course would be faster because of its newer processors. Due to better processors, laptops can now support high end games.

Size - Now, we already have what we call net books. It is like a smaller laptop but with a slower processor. 5 years ago, normal laptop sizes are only 14 and 15 inches.

Weight - Laptops now is lighter in weight unlike before that when you do have a laptop inside your bag, you are like carrying several books at your back. Laptops nowadays are thinner which made it lighter and is easier to carry.

High tech features - Laptops now do have biometrics and facial detection for better security. Besides that, laptop nowadays already support touch capable screens which eliminates the... ... continue |

Microsoft's Surface Pro 3, A tablet that could be transformed into a laptop

By: Mon Peter I. Damiles Posted: 30 May, 2014
Microsoft has announced their newest product which is called the Surface Pro 3. Microsoft said that this product could possibly replace your existing laptops. This product is a tablet but again, this could also be transformed into a laptop just by adding an external keyboard. This is not the the first that a company has released a tablet that could be transformed into a laptop but in my opinion, this product could possibly stand out from the rest not just because of it's design but also because of it's speed. Below would be the specification of the said tablet.

Processor - 4th Gen Intel Core i3, i5 or i7
Storage and RAM - 64 GB or 128GB with 4GB RAM / 256GB or 512GB with 8GB RAM
Display - 12" Multitouch
Weight - 1.76 lbs
Camera - 5.0 MP for both front and back cameras
Connectivity - Wi-Fi / Bluetooth
Battery Life - Up to 9 hours
OS - Windows 8.1 Pro

As I've said, this is not the very first transformer tablet but in my opinion, this would be the best so far due to it's fast processor. Usually, tablets only possess small processors like the intel atom but for this one, having an i series processor... ... continue |

Tips on creating a strong password

By: Mon Peter I. Damiles Posted: 30 May, 2014
What is a password? A password is a code we normally use in order to keep our files and accounts secured. We normally use it in our email accounts, social networking accounts and more. Passwords are made in order to protect the contents of our accounts but most of us don't really understand how to make one. Having a strong password is really important especially nowadays wherein hackers could penetrate into anything. In this article, I'll be sharing some tips on how to make a strong password.

Avoid using your name and your birthday - This is very common nowadays wherein they use their name together with their birthday as their password. For example, your name is Rachel and your birthday is Nov. 25 and so your password would be rachel1125. This kind of password is very weak and would be a piece of cake to open for hackers.

Different passwords for different accounts - If you have several accounts, I would advice not to have the same password for all but do make sure that you'll remember each and one of them. If you think that there is a chance for you to forget it, you could write a... ... continue |

Importance of a portable hard drive

By: Mon Peter I. Damiles Posted: 30 May, 2014
A portable hard drive from the name itself is a hard drive that you could carry wherever you go. It is like a bigger version of a flash drive. The main difference of a portable hard drive with a regular flash drive is that a portable hard drive could accommodate bigger storage capacity.

Having a portable hard drive is important for those who are on the go. A function of a portable hard drive depends on the user. For those who are related to the information technology field, portable hard drives serves not just a storage but also a backup drive especially if there would be important files or data that could be needed for work. For movie buffs, a portable hard drive for them might contain TV series and several movies that they could enjoy watching for hours. For those who love to take pictures, this serves as storage for the pictures that they took.

For those who are not aware, both desktop and laptop hard drives could also be used as a portable hard drive but you need to purchase an enclosure in order for it to work. If you'll be using a laptop hard drive with an... ... continue |

A simple solution for your media player problems

By: Mon Peter I. Damiles Posted: 30 May, 2014
Have you experienced downloading a video that would not play properly on your computer? The main of this might be that your default media player might not be updated. If you are one of those who experienced this kind of problem, this article might be helpful for you.

As we all know, media players are used to play music, videos or movies but if your media player isn't fully updated, you might experience some of the problems below.

Unsupported format - This is a very common problem wherein some formats could not be played. As I have said, this is a cause of an outdated media player. Updating your media player's codec might do the trick.

No sounds - This might also be a compatibility problem. If there is a video codec, there is also a sound coded that needs to be updated but before anything else, you could try checking your audio card and your speakers.

Video Lag - I have experienced this several times already wherein a video can be played but it would not play properly. It may be possible that your video card does not support the resolution of the video that you are playing or again, an outdated media... ... continue |

Understanding Phone Tethering

By: Mon Peter I. Damiles Posted: 28 May, 2014
Tethering is the process of connecting a device to your mobile phone to share internet connection. Tethering is done by those who are subscribed to a mobile internet plan which do have the capabilities of sharing their connection to other devices. Traditionally, we only knew routers are the only devices that could possibly share an internet connection to other devices but because of the continuing development of the modern world, mobile internet can now be easily shared.

Tethering your phone to other devices will depend on the connection that your phone has. It may be done using a Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or simply by a USB cable.

Bluetooth tethering - Tethering using your Bluetooth simply means that other devices could connect

Wi-Fi tethering - Tethering using your Wi-Fi or commonly known as mobile hotspot is the most common tethering being used. It means that other devices could connect to your device using Wi-Fi. Your phone acts as a router which could be used to share your phones internet connection.

USB tethering - Tethering via USB means that you could connect your phone to a device that has a USB port to share your connection.

In order to use tethering properly, you will... ... continue |

Monitor your computer’s temperature with Speed fan

By: Mon Peter I. Damiles Posted: 28 May, 2014
With the kind of weather that we are experiencing right now, it is not only us humans can experience the summer heat but also our computers. This kind of heat could result to an overheating computer but this could be monitored to prevent any damages. With the program called speed fan, you could easily check your computer's temperature at any time.

Speed fan is a program that could easily monitor your computer's temperature. One thing that I liked most about this program is that it monitors not just the case temperature but also the temperature of your hard drive, processor and video card.

With the help of this program, it would be easier to distinguish which component is causing excessive heat. Troubleshooting an overheating computer isn't easy but this program could really help you a lot. If the program suspects an overheating component, below would be the steps that you could do to fix the issue.

System / Case - If there is a system overheating issue, adding additional fans could help but if not, upgrading your case to a better one would be a good idea.

Hard drive - If the program detects an overheating hard drive, you could try reseating it... ... continue |


