Archive for May 2015
Must have attitudes for IT professionals at work
As we all know, the IT industry is still growing and the need of IT professionals are also rising. Every year, huge number of IT students finishes their degrees but the question is, are they ready?
In this article, I will be talking about the attitudes that IT professional and fresh graduates must have in order to stay competitive to be able to cope up with the demands of the industry.
Flexibility - Being flexible means that you could easily adapt with any changes needed. This way, the company could see that even if there would be any sudden changes that could make your work difficult, you're still willing to do it.
Respect - In any office, respect is one of the most important attitudes that every employees must possess. When you respect your fellow employees, a big chance is that they'll also respect you in return. But if you don't respect them, believe me; they'll... ... continue |
MS Office Training, the course that will give you edge at work
Most of you might say that using the said program would be a piece of cake but not to all. There would be those who need real training for them to be really familiarized with the program. I do suggest those who work in offices to give this training a try and I would assure you that you will finish your work faster.
For those working with MS office applications every day, I am pretty sure that there would be times that you spend amount of time in experimenting on how to do a specific task. It would be hard especially if most of you in the office are really not that familiar in using the said program. If there would be deadlines and some formulas are not working, that could be critical.
In this course, you will learn not just Microsoft Word but also Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint. It also includes the... ... continue |
Ways on how developers earn from freeware apps
Advertisement - Some companies insert their advertisement on free programs in order to let the users know that they are offering or selling a certain product or service. The payment depends on the agreement of the developer and the advertiser. A good example for this one is Facebook, Facebook is free to use but they offer several ways on how companies can advertise.
Premium Version - Many freeware programs has this one wherein they let users download their free version on the net which only has the basic version installed. If the user wants to access the full functions of the program, the user has the option to upgrade the free version into... ... continue |
Advertisement - Some companies insert their advertisement on free programs in order to let the users know that they are offering or selling a certain product or service. The payment depends on the agreement of the developer and the advertiser. A good example for this one is Facebook, Facebook is free to use but they offer several ways on how companies can advertise.
Premium Version - Many freeware programs has this one wherein they let users download their free version on the net which only has the basic version installed. If the user wants to access the full functions of the program, the user has the option to upgrade the free version into... ... continue |
Philippines, one of the slowest internet connections in Asia
There would be several reasons why our internet speed is still among the slowest but I think that the main reason behind is that we still cannot afford to invest on this aspect. If you are going to look at the reports generated by various tests, you will notice that we are still on the very bottom of the graph. I am pretty sure that most of us want blazing internet speeds but to tell you frankly, it still might take several years before we could attain that.
On the ranking of the fastest in Asia, Singapore is on the top of the list and that would not be a surprise. Singapore is basically known as one of the leading countries when it comes to the IT industry and it means that their technology is up to date.
If you will compare, Singapore's internet... ... continue |
Common Problems For The IT Department
Internet Outage - Having no internet is one of the critical problems for the IT department. Not all companies have backup internet connections to use during outage. If ever that your company has no backup connection, it could take a few hours or even days to fix it depending on the cause of the outage.
Power Outage - Here in the Philippines, it is very common to experience power fluctuations. When fluctuations happen, it could cause minor problems on some computers. It is very seldom that companies provide UPS for all computers to prevent problems during fluctuations. For the network related devices, it is a must to have it connected to a UPS so that if ever fluctuations occur, the said devices would not be affected. If network devices are... ... continue |
Basic Functions of an Active Directory
First of all, Active Directory was developed by Microsoft and it is a service that controls both the users and the computers in a specific network. It can control the rights and the limitations of a user. The active directory is capable of disabling programs that are not needed or the folders that you could access. The said program can help the IT department of the company to implement policies and securities that are required.
The Active Directory is also the one being used to create user ID's that could access the domain. It is also where the IT department resets the password if ever a certain user forgot it. It is basically a secured way to access the network. If ever someone wants to access a computer but he/she does not have a valid account, the domain would not allow... ... continue |
New games = new hardware requirements
Hardcore gamers will always make sure that their hardware components are up to date in order to prevent hangs, lags or anything that might cause a bad experience while playing. For those who are not aware, a desktop computer is also considered as a gaming device and it is the one that needs constant upgrading.
New games on the market are being released from time to time and that it why upgrading your hardware is a thing you might want to consider. Most of you might be asking if why it is needed. The answer is simple, new games = new hardware requirements.
In this present time where games looks and feels real already, it would definitely need a video card that is capable of rendering the graphics and a processor that could support them. Your current hardware components might still be capable of running a newly released game but it could only run on its lowest setting. When a game setting is... ... continue |
Worst viruses of all time
Viruses can be very lethal especially for big companies because it can freeze operations and could also damage infected computers. To know how deadly a virus could be, below would be some of the top viruses on the list that resulted to disaster.
I LOVE YOU - The "I LOVE YOU" virus estimated around $10 billion worth of damage. It spread via email and once you have it on your drive, it could copy itself and could stole passwords and send it to hackers.
My Doom - This virus spread via email and also by peer to peer file sharing. The virus forced google to shut down for almost a day. It infected many users because of its deceiving title like "Mail Delivery System" which many users would open especially if they are sending mails at that very moment.
Storm Trojan - The said virus... ... continue |
Ways on how to recover files on a dead hard disk
Retrieving files on a hard disk could be done by using free programs like Recuva, Undelete 360, Wise Data recovery and the like. The said programs will be the very first step that you could use to try recovering your files but if ever that the free programs could not handle the job; there are also those soft wares that you could buy which contains additional features and better support.
In using data recovery soft wares, there is no assurance that you could recover all files but you would not know if it works unless you try. It would be a big relief if ever you could successfully recover your files especially... ... continue |
The end of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer
Windows users are pretty much aware that the default browser that you could use right after you install windows is their Internet Explorer. It is also not new that many users do not like using the said browser due to several reasons.
Even from the start, I personally did not like using internet explorer as my browser because it crashes every now and then which can be very irritating at times. To be honest, you will only see few users that are using IE; you will normally see users using Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome as their browser.
When it comes to the interface of IE, it looks dull. It looks very simple. Sometimes, people tend to look at the design first before they use it and if they do not like how it looks like; they would not use or even try it anymore.
This time, Microsoft gave it up already after how many years. They will be introducing... ... continue |