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Archive for May 2015

MS Office Training, the course that will give you edge at work

By: Mon Peter I. Damiles Posted: 29 May, 2015
Usually, when people hear about IT training, they think that it is only for IT professionals but actually, it is not. Here at CNCTC, we do not just offer training for IT professionals but we also offer basic training for those who wants to learn Microsoft office applications.

Most of you might say that using the said program would be a piece of cake but not to all. There would be those who need real training for them to be really familiarized with the program. I do suggest those who work in offices to give this training a try and I would assure you that you will finish your work faster.

For those working with MS office applications every day, I am pretty sure that there would be times that you spend amount of time in experimenting on how to do a specific task. It would be hard especially if most of you in the office are really not that familiar in using the said program. If there would be deadlines and some formulas are not working, that could be critical.

In this course, you will learn not just Microsoft Word but also Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint. It also includes the... ... continue |

Common Problems For The IT Department

By: Mon Peter I. Damiles Posted: 27 May, 2015
The IT department is the one in charge when it comes to the devices, configuration and maintenance of all IT related peripherals. They are also the one who is capable of assisting customer queries when it comes to technical stuff. In every IT department, there will always be problems even if everything is well maintained. In this article, I will be talking about some of the common problems of the IT department.

Internet Outage - Having no internet is one of the critical problems for the IT department. Not all companies have backup internet connections to use during outage. If ever that your company has no backup connection, it could take a few hours or even days to fix it depending on the cause of the outage.

Power Outage - Here in the Philippines, it is very common to experience power fluctuations. When fluctuations happen, it could cause minor problems on some computers. It is very seldom that companies provide UPS for all computers to prevent problems during fluctuations. For the network related devices, it is a must to have it connected to a UPS so that if ever fluctuations occur, the said devices would not be affected. If network devices are... ... continue |

Worst viruses of all time

By: Mon Peter I. Damiles Posted: 13 May, 2015
Most of you might be aware on what a computer virus is and what could it do to those computers that were infected. Basically, a virus is a program that could replicate itself without the knowledge of the user and it also has the ability to install or do some changes on your computer without your consent.

Viruses can be very lethal especially for big companies because it can freeze operations and could also damage infected computers. To know how deadly a virus could be, below would be some of the top viruses on the list that resulted to disaster.

I LOVE YOU - The "I LOVE YOU" virus estimated around $10 billion worth of damage. It spread via email and once you have it on your drive, it could copy itself and could stole passwords and send it to hackers.

My Doom - This virus spread via email and also by peer to peer file sharing. The virus forced google to shut down for almost a day. It infected many users because of its deceiving title like "Mail Delivery System" which many users would open especially if they are sending mails at that very moment.

Storm Trojan - The said virus... ... continue |

The end of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer

By: Mon Peter I. Damiles Posted: 07 May, 2015
More than a month ago, Microsoft had announced that they will already put an end to their long time browser, Internet Explorer. According to them, they would be using project Spartan as the codename of the next browser for the upcoming Windows 10.

Windows users are pretty much aware that the default browser that you could use right after you install windows is their Internet Explorer. It is also not new that many users do not like using the said browser due to several reasons.

Even from the start, I personally did not like using internet explorer as my browser because it crashes every now and then which can be very irritating at times. To be honest, you will only see few users that are using IE; you will normally see users using Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome as their browser.

When it comes to the interface of IE, it looks dull. It looks very simple. Sometimes, people tend to look at the design first before they use it and if they do not like how it looks like; they would not use or even try it anymore.

This time, Microsoft gave it up already after how many years. They will be introducing... ... continue |


