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CNCTC Articles- Excellence in IT TRAINING

Tips for incoming IT students

By: Mon Peter I. Damiles Posted: 15 Jun, 2015
It is again the time of the year where fresh high school graduates needs to enter college to study the field that they want to pursue. It is the time where they need to start being independent because now, the decision is on their hands and it is up to them whether to choose the bad or the good decision.

As we all know, one of the most in demand courses in the world is related to computers specifically IT. In this article, I would be giving out some tips for incoming IT students on how to cope up with the school's curriculum in order to stay competent.

Studying in advance - It would be a big advantage for you to study in advance in order to be always prepared on the lessons that the professors will discuss. This way, the professor will see your determination and will to learn.

Know your priorities - Incoming freshmen students must know their priorities. They entered college to study and to finish a degree. They must have the focus on studying and not on activities that are not school related.

Know where you excel - Maximize your potential, if you are good in programming then pursue... ... continue |

The importance of internship to IT students

By: Mon Peter I. Damiles Posted: 05 Jun, 2015
Internship or commonly known as OJT (on the job training) is a requirement for college where in you need to spend a specific number of hours in a company to somehow experience the real world even before graduation. The number of hours will depend on the requirement of the school but usually, it will range around 200 - 500 hours. In this article, I will be explaining why it is important to have a good company for your internship.

Usually, the students will be the one to choose the company where they want to apply as an intern but the school can also suggest where but it would still be the decision of the student. Applying as an intern is also like applying for an actual job because you would also undergo interviews or even tests depending on the company that you will be applying for. In order to be ready for the real world, below would be some tips in choosing a company for internship.

Multinational Company - Applying as an intern for a multinational company might not be easy due to the number of applicants that are also aiming for the position. Working in a multinational company is a good... ... continue |

Cisco certification: A good start for your IT career

By: Mon Peter I. Damiles Posted: 23 Apr, 2015

Due to the rising demand for IT professionals, it would be best to have a training to give you an edge in applying for a job. As we all know, millions of IT students are graduating every year but the demand for IT professionals are also getting higher and that is why you could only land a job if you have what it takes and if you possess the skills needed by the company.

There are several specializations to choose for IT professionals and one of these is computer networking. If you chose to pursue the networking specialization, it is not enough that you only know the basics. The basics of networking could possibly lead you to an entry level job but if you want to raise your worth and your salary, I would advise that you get a Cisco certification course.

Cisco certification is not that easy and you will need to exert extra effort for you to understand and apply the concepts. Self-study may be possible but it would be hard especially if you do not have the right devices that are needed. If you really want to learn and understand Cisco, it would be best to train with the... ... continue |

Tips for a possible promotion

By: Mon Peter I. Damiles Posted: 21 Jun, 2011

If you want a promotion, you must work hard to have it. Show them that you have what it takes and that you deserve to be promoted. In this article, I’ll give you some tips on how to earn a possible promotion.

Avoid being absent/late – Most employers hate late. Besides deductions because of absents and tardiness, this will be a bad record for you. Avoid being late, come to work on time. If you really can’t report to work, give... continue |

Best Computer Training Center in the Philippines

By: Mon Peter I. Damiles Posted: 14 Jun, 2011

Here in the Philippines, CNCTC is indeed one of the best when it comes to IT trainings. We offer different kinds of computer courses from PC troubleshooting, laptop troubleshooting, web design, Microsoft office programs, programming, networking, CISCO and more.  Our instructors are certified and has years of experience when it comes to their respective fields. What does CNCTC offers you?

OJT – When you train with us, we can find you a company where you can work as an OJT. This... continue |

The Importance of an IT Team in a Company

By: Mon Peter I. Damiles Posted: 13 Jun, 2011

How important is an IT person in your company? Is it really necessary to hire one? This might be the questions that you’re asking yourself.  For the record, it is really necessary to have one. Just imagine a company with computers without even one IT person assigned? What if problems occur? There will be a big problem on the part of the company because no one will fix problems regarding computers. This could even cost you to lose money because... continue |

A Student’s Guide to Shifting Course

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 31 Mar, 2011

Are you really sure you want to shift course? Here are the relevant steps on how you’d change career course to help you out.

Seek advice from experts of your new field. Ask someone you know who practices the profession that you want to have. Know if there is a way you can gain the same job in less time. Ask also for cheaper alternatives to finish the education needed, if there are any. You’d have greater chances, if you’re shifting... continue |

4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Send Facebook Friend Request to Your Boss

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 30 Mar, 2011

Let’s admit it. Facebook is already a part of almost everyone’s hobby, socialization, needless to say, to life itself. With this global trend, it’s so easy to become fond of using facebook features to stay connected with every people you know. But, please not to your boss. You shouldn’t accept facebook request from your boss, or, much more, send a friend request to him. These are the reasons why:

1. You’d get caught, red handed logging on to Facebook during working... continue |

Career Tip for New Grads: Where to Get Job Experience

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 30 Mar, 2011

“What are your job experiences that makes you qualified for the job?” This question is probably the most asked during job interviews. For experienced applicants, this question gives the chance to show prowess. But for newly grads, this is the most dreaded question. This question would probably bring down, early, the hope of winning the job. Worry no more. Here are some job experiences you can claim for yourself to boost your chances of getting hired:  

On-the-Job Trainings. All college... continue |

3 Reasons Why You Should Keep Your Online Interview via Email

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 30 Mar, 2011

Believe me or not, choosing to have job interviews via email or chat is for your best interest. Here are the reasons why:

1. To avoid interview hassles because of sudden slow of internet connection. No one would want mess during their job interview, as it would make your anxiety more intense. Even if you have great answers to job interview questions, you’d have hard time creating a good impression because of the choppy video call. Hence, if you don’t have... continue |

Job Searching Tips: How to Get a Job before Anyone Else Does

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 30 Mar, 2011

Here are the ways on how to get ahead of the job searching race and win the job you want:

Define the job you want. Cut the chase and save yourself from filtering unwanted jobs. Write a list of what you want in a job. Include your options of location, salary range, job position, especially the task and responsibilities you’d enjoy having. It would also be better, if you’d have specific employers in mind. This way you’d have more defined job... continue |

What Every Graduate Should Do After Graduation

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 29 Mar, 2011

The graduation season is here once again. It’s the time for celebration after years of study. I hate to break the party, but, by now, you should be aware of the new challenges that await you outside the school premises. After graduation you’d feel the pressure to find a job or run your own business. Feeling overwhelmed with new responsibilities? Don’t worry.  Here are some tips on what graduates should do after graduation, to help you cope with the pressure... continue |

Quick Networking Pointers: How NOT to LOSS Your Reliable Career Connections (Part 2)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 16 Mar, 2011

4.       Don’t share your network’s contact details without permission. If you don’t want to receive hate messages from your networks, never share their number without permission. If one of them receives a spam because of you, the news that you’re giving contacts without prior notice might spread out. Remember, when share their numbers and emails to you, they are also giving you their trust in protecting their personal info. Don’t put their trust to waste. Make it a point that... continue |

Quick Networking Pointers: How NOT to LOSS Your Reliable Career Connections (Part 3)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 16 Mar, 2011

9.       Block badmouthing people online instead of answering them back. There’s no point of talking to a person online if he or she keeps on badmouthing. This kind of people won’t do any good, so it’s useless to spend your precious time to them. You’d only stain your image if you respond to nonsense comments and posts. Just block them and flag them for removal of account.

10.   Don’t forget occasions. Occasions are the most expected times you’d greet your friends... continue |

Quick Networking Pointers: How NOT to LOSS Your Reliable Career Connections (Part 4)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 16 Mar, 2011

14.   Develop a good connection with people in your network. In short, make friends with your career connections. Develop a true friendship. This way your connection will stand trials and misunderstandings, which is common in every relationship. Misunderstandings are common, simply because you are unique and different from others. Nevertheless, friends will accept and value the bond that ties you.

15.   Keep the competitions inside only the office. With the stiff competition in the industry, it is not surprising why there... continue |

Quick Networking Pointers: How NOT to LOSS Your Reliable Career Connections (Part 5)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 16 Mar, 2011

19.   Give your networks options on how to help you. If you want an urgent help, give options on how your career connections can help you. Have in mind that they also have limitations. Respect their limitations if you want to maintain your friendship. In addition, giving them choices will show that you’re also creating efforts to help yourself as much as possible. They won’t say it, but they’ll admire your thinking.

20.   Coordinate well with people who are helping you.... continue |

Quick Networking Pointers: How NOT to LOSS Your Reliable Career Connections (Part 1)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 16 Mar, 2011

On my last post, I’ve shared comprehensive tips on how to gain a good network. However, getting a good network isn’t enough. You have to maintain it, if you don’t want your efforts spilled. People you meet in your career may lose interest in helping you. Hence, on this article I’ll impart how to maintain your career connections.

 1.       Connect with all people you know in your career online. A lot of people nowadays are into social networking. Take advantage of... continue |

Quick Networking Pointers: How to Get Reliable Career Connections (Part 1)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 16 Mar, 2011

With the tough competition nowadays, you’ll need all the help that you can get. As they say, “No man is an island”. This saying is a naked truth in every career. Admit it or not, you’ll need connections. You can use it from job hunting, info searching, career promotions, to getting expert advice. To help you out, here are comprehensive and relevant tips in getting career connections.

1. Get to know people on seminars and other events. Attending seminars and trainings... continue |

Quick Networking Pointers: How to Get Reliable Career Connections (Part 2)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 16 Mar, 2011

4. Embody confidence and dignity. Even if you are good looking people won’t notice you, if you have no confidence. How would you convince people to share alliance with you and trust you, if you have no trust in yourself? Hence, build your self-esteem. You can start assessing yourself by watching yourself in the mirror. Fix your posture. Stand up straight and walk with grace. Walk as if you’re the owner of the path you’re taking. Take effort in creating... continue |

Quick Networking Pointers: How to Get Reliable Career Connections (Part 3)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 16 Mar, 2011

8. Do your job well. Never underestimate the capabilities of “word of mouth” in destroying your chances. Hence, start creating good impression by doing your job well. Career- oriented people won’t like “happy-go-lucky” ones. If you have a good track record in your current job, you’d definitely gain more career allies. They’d be attracted with your secrets of success and skills. Forget about empty boasting. Even if you’re a good liar, they’d eventually know the truth about you. You’d only... continue |

Quick Networking Pointers: How to Get Reliable Career Connections (Part 4)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 16 Mar, 2011

12. Don’t badmouth anyone to anybody. Like what I’ve said previously, never underestimate the capabilities of “word of mouth” in destroying your career. No matter how angry you are and whatever you’ve gone through never degrade people. It may not have consequences at present, but for sure it will rebound on you later. There are a lot of people suffered consequences in their career just because they’ve demean others. If you have disagreement with a person, solve it. Talk to... continue |

22 Tips on Interviewing the Boss (Part 1)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 16 Mar, 2011

You’ve read it right! You can, or should I say, you should assess your prospect boss when you’re on interview. I know it’s a bit awkward to do this considering applicants are the ones after the job. However, you have the right to choose your job and your employer, and therefore the right to evaluate them as well. To guide you in the quest of finding the right job for you, here are some relevant tips in evaluating your boss... continue |

22 Tips on Interviewing the Boss (Part 2)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 16 Mar, 2011
4.       Think you’re in a conversation not on a pageant’s question and answer portion. Nobody prohibits you to ask during the job interview. In fact, your questions are welcome as its shows your knowledge on the job, as well as your thinking skills, which is a plus on your employment. Moreover, the interviewer gets the chance to assess your level of thinking. Thus, don’t hesitate to raise questions whenever possible. This is a chance for you to know more about... continue |

22 Tips on Interviewing the Boss (Part 3)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 16 Mar, 2011
8.       Prove at once that you’re the best person for the job. If you haven’t much got time to ask because the job interview is time limited, cut the chase. Prove at once that you’re the perfect job for the job. Hence, do your research before the interview. Know what the employer is looking for. When the interviewer asks you to introduce, include your matching qualifications, your level of experience, your specific achievements at work, and the answers to questions... continue |

22 Tips on Interviewing the Boss (Part 4)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 16 Mar, 2011
12.   Know the system of your company and where your job fits in the big picture. We all want a glorified job. Thinking you have an important position in the company will give you additional tolerance and inspiration, especially on stressing times.  In addition, the level of importance of a job is also a credit to your job qualification. Generally, all jobs are important as each is a vital component in the company. Nevertheless, the higher your level is, the... continue |

22 Tips on Interviewing the Boss (Part 5)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 16 Mar, 2011
16.   Determine your work schedule. Whether you’ll going to apply for a regular company-based job, or a home based job; it is relevant that you know the specific schedule. This includes overtimes, breaks, and paid and unpaid day offs. Nevertheless, just ask about overtimes. As I’ve said, the job interview is not the right time to ask about perks and benefits. It’s better to ask them later about breaks, and paid and unpaid day offs when the job is already... continue |

22 Tips on Interviewing the Boss (Part 6)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 16 Mar, 2011

20.   Ask why the job is vacant. Like employees, employers aren’t perfect. Some jobs are even hard to withstand. If you don’t want to found yourself trapped in a bad contract, during the job interview, ask the reason behind the job’s vacancy. Good, if the job is just newly established with a new department in the company. However, be alarmed if the job is left for consecutive times within short intervals. Be specific. If ever the job is vacant because... continue |

18 Facts Work at Home Employees Should Know (Part 1)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 28 Feb, 2011

If you want to join the work-at-home workforce or you’re new to this industry, here are the facts you should never mess:  

1. Bad bosses aren’t your mortal enemy, it’s your anxiety. Don’t worry too much in case you encounter a bad boss. Like bosses, you have the right to choose whom you want to work with. There are a lot of job vacancies on your field available online. You can choose your boss. However, you can’t alter yourself. Day... continue |

18 Facts Work at Home Employees Should Know (Part 2)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 28 Feb, 2011

4. Home is the most stressing place to work at. You’re definitely wrong if you think home is the most relaxing place to work at. Unexpected visits, chitchats, cluttering house chores, noisy neighborhood, playing children… these are the things you should expect and prepare for if you decide to work from home. I’ve experienced these things personally. And honestly, I still combat these distractions every day. This is understandable considering home is the place for everyone in family. Believe me,... continue |

18 Facts Work at Home Employees Should Know (Part 3)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 28 Feb, 2011

7. You’d start failing to meet deadlines once you welcome in your mind the thought, “There is still tomorrow”. It’s easy to fall to this common work-at-home pitfall. As a matter of fact, I’m so guilty to this- take note, I’m guilty AGAIN. Hence, don’t ever welcome the thinking that there is much time to finish your work. Like what others say, “Don’t do tomorrow the things that you can do today”. Instead of welcoming unhealthy career thoughts, develop the... continue |

18 Facts Work at Home Employees Should Know (Part 4)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 28 Feb, 2011

11. Off’s aren’t when you’re not on your working desk, it’s when you aren’t thinking of anything about work. As I’ve stated earlier, “Not facing your computer doesn’t mean you’re not working”. So if you’re tired, stop thinking anything about work. No matter how you like your job and how good you are, you’d still need time to bring back your energy. If there are children in your area, play with them. They’re most likely the ones who wouldn’t understand... continue |

18 Facts Work at Home Employees Should Know (Part 5)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 28 Feb, 2011

14. If you want to make the most of your income, choose your bank. Nobody wants to waste something that is personally hard-earned. Thus, somehow you should know a little bit of accounting. This is for you to have a clear idea how much interest and fees are taken from your online financial and bank accounts, enabling you to see the most appropriate bank and financial institution for you and your needs. There are a lot of specialized offers available... continue |

Guide to a Successful Job Interview: What to Do When You Receive Call Invite for Job Interview (Part 1)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 15 Feb, 2011

The journey to become successful in a job interview starts when you receive the call or message inviting you for a job interview. Many people have the wrong perception that it’s already sure to have the job once you’re called for an interview. Don’t get caught to this common pitfall. If you want to succeed in a job interview, start working on it. Here are some guides on what to do when you’re invited for an interview.

1. Acknowledge the company... continue |

Guide to a Successful Job Interview: What to Do When You Receive Call Invite for Job Interview (Part 2)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 15 Feb, 2011

5. Ask what you have to wear. Asking what to wear during the interview is often neglected. This is ironic because this is one of the most important details in preparing for job interview. If you don’t want to have a hard time thinking what to wear, ask the calling company for the appropriate outfit to wear. There are instances that the calling company representative informs the applicants of what to wear during the job interview. But if someone calls... continue |

Guide to a Successful Job Interview: What to Do After the Call Invitation for Interview

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 15 Feb, 2011

After you’re called for an invitation for job interview and knowing all the necessary info for it, start your preparation at once. If you really want to get hired, put your efforts in preparing well for the job interview. Here are the recommended things-to-do after the call invitation for interview.

1. Research for the company’s background. Do your homework. Know well what kind of company you’re aiming to work for. This would help you gain the idea of what kind of... continue |

Guide to a Successful Job Interview: What to Do a Day Before the Interview

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 15 Feb, 2011

Do you feel nervous for your job interview? Don’t worry. Here are some things you could do to prepare for the job interview tomorrow.

1. Inform all your contacts, family, and friends about the job interview tomorrow. You need all the support you can get. Thus, inform your family and friends of your job interview tomorrow. They’d be open in helping you out with this special event in your career. Take advantage of the emotional support that they are giving. Listen... continue |

Guide to a Successful Job Interview: What to Do on the Day of Interview (Part 1)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 15 Feb, 2011

“This is it”, would best describe the day of a job interview. You’re now only few steps away in having the job. The voice inside you continuously says that you have to do this well. Your years of studying, hard work, and dedication, is about to pay. Joy, nervousness, fear, hope… these feelings will dwell in you simultaneously. Be prepared to go with the flow of the mixed emotions to use it to become successful in your job interview. Here... continue |

Guide to a Successful Job Interview: What to Do on the Day of Interview (Part 2)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 15 Feb, 2011

4. Get familiar with the place of interview. While you’re waiting for the time of interview, start getting familiar with the place of interview. Know where the comfort room is to have a place to privately freshen yourself up and of course to answer the nature’s calling =). Get to know as well the place where you are requested to stay, the exits, and the entrances. God forbid, but it’s better to become prepared to possible disaster like earthquake and... continue |

Guide to a Successful Job Interview: What to Do on the Day of Interview (Part 3)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 15 Feb, 2011

8. Be polite. Indeed, you have to become confident, but not to the extent of being arrogant. Observe proper attitude and manner in approaching every people you meet during the job interview. Regardless of the appearance and position of the person you’re talking to, maintain appropriate behavior. When you’re asking for something, have the habit saying “please…”, “May I…”, or “is it okay if…” Add also personification to your greetings by mentioning their first name with proper acknowledgement such as... continue |

Guide to a Successful Job Interview: What to Do on the Day of Interview (Part 4)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 15 Feb, 2011

12. Refrain from too much body movement. Yes, I’ve mentioned that you have to provide some hand gestures. However, too much of it will show lack of confidence. Hence, minimize hand and body gestures. Some experts say that you should hold on to something to contradict the negativity of too much body movement. They say that you could hold a pen when you’re talking. In my opinion the formula on how to minimize too much hand movement is to just... continue |

How to Avoid Job Mismatch: A Guide for Students (Part 1)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 15 Feb, 2011

Some nursing graduates do call enter jobs, HRM’s on security uniforms… they are only some of the graduates working for jobs not matching to the course they took. They’ve wasted time, money, and effort just to land on a job they didn’t expected. It may happen that they may like the job they got. But still, the skills and knowledge they have aren’t appropriate for their current job. They need to undergo further training, and get extra guts to accept... continue |

How to Avoid Job Mismatch: A Guide for Students (Part 2)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 15 Feb, 2011

4. Plan your future in solid details. You’d have better chances in achieving the job you want if you have a reliable plan to make it happen. To make it reliable, be specific. The steps and details should be realistic and achievable. Know also the requirements and the things you need. Search for resources and aids to make your plan achievable. There are available private and public institutions that offer help from study to employment. Make use of these. Just... continue |

How to Avoid Job Mismatch: A Guide for Students (Part 3)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 15 Feb, 2011

7. Choose a course with wide horizons. There are college courses that are applicable to almost all governing industries and businesses. Hence, these courses will surely prosper in the future along with the development of technology. Prefer to have these kinds of courses, if you want to have a secure job matching. Still, consider what interests you. Try to find the college course that has large applicability including in your field of interest. Just weigh these factors properly and you... continue |

How to Avoid Job Mismatch: A Guide for Students (Part 4)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 15 Feb, 2011

11. Never stop learning. Even if you’d obtain a job, there isn’t an assurance that you’d always have it. With the constant increase of graduates and applicants, you shouldn’t loosen in making yourself qualified, especially if you’re aiming for a higher level. Thus, always get yourself updated with what’s new in your industry. Never ever think that you already have it all, even though you may have several achievements. There is no such thing as enough in terms of learning... continue |

How to Avoid Job Mismatch: A Guide for Students (Part 5)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 15 Feb, 2011

15. Gain a good network. You’ll need reliable resources to achieve the job you want. You can only gain reliable resources of info through networking. Hence, start setting your connections. With the social networking websites nowadays like Facebook and Twitter, it’s fast and easy to connect to your previous acquaintances. You can also have new contacts in your field using social networking websites. Aside from helping to get you a matching job, you can also seek their assistance in finding... continue |

24 Things that Effectively Motivates You to Work (Part 1)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 12 Feb, 2011

Because of the repetitive chores at work, stress, and negative vibes often present to a working environment, there are times when you feel so tired to work. Don’t worry. Here are some simple yet effective things that will bring your motivation back on track. 

1.  Dream for development. What do you want to become ten years from now? The answer to this question should become one of your motivations to work. Have a clear vision of your ultimate dream. Plan your... continue |

24 Things that Effectively Motivates You to Work (Part 2)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 12 Feb, 2011

4. Rejuvenating Rest and Sleep. Nothing beats enough rest, that’s for sure. Giving your body enough sleep brings back your energy for work. Moreover, it also refreshes your mind, which is perfect for a whole day of work. A person with enough rest are more tolerant, have clear thinking, and less likely to commit mistakes. Thus, take a nice eight hours of sleep every day. Even if you’re busy, you can have enough rest with proper time management. Make a... continue |

24 Things that Effectively Motivates You to Work (Part 3)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 12 Feb, 2011

8. Good Chitchat. When you feel down and depressed at work, blur it out. Talking to people would remove the unneeded load from your system. However, it doesn’t have to take depression to talk to someone. You may also share about your prowess and achievements at work to inspire more yourself and others as well. Just don’t get too much of it if you don’t want to appear like a childish brat. Having a chitchat buddy is good way to... continue |

24 Things that Effectively Motivates You to Work (Part 4)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 12 Feb, 2011

11. Smile. Only heartless people don’t get infected with the contagious disease called, “smiling”. Even if you feel bad, try to smile and you’d feel much better inside. This is a good motivation for yourself and others as well. You can also help others get motivated by giving them a beaming true-to-heart smile. It will surely ease the tension, stress, and negative vibes, promoting a good working atmosphere. So, start the habit of smiling to brighten up your spirit withstanding... continue |

24 Things that Effectively Motivates You to Work (Part 5)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 12 Feb, 2011

15. Family and Friends. They are the people that you want to share your success and happiness in your career. They are also the ones you seek for help and advice in times of failure. Make them your inspiration in your everyday work. Draw your motivation from them. This way you’ll feel not alone in facing the everyday challenges in your career. During your day off, spend time with your family and friends. Treat them for a dinner, spa, or... continue |

24 Things that Effectively Motivates You to Work (Part 6)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 12 Feb, 2011

18. Good Relationship with Co-Workers. Good relationship among people at work is important in a job. Without it, a team won’t achieve anything even a single task. With the everyday pressure and stress present at work, it’s normal to have misunderstandings every now and then. It is important to solve a conflict as soon as it arises to prevent further problems at work. You only have to become humble in approaching someone you had conflict with. Maintain respect in acknowledging... continue |

24 Things that Effectively Motivates You to Work (Part 7)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 12 Feb, 2011

21. Favorable Company Rules. The rules and regulations of a company or employer is also a factor in motivation you to work. These include the system of procedures at work, criteria for promotions, punishment and disciplinary policy, and other governing guidelines affecting the employees. Hence, choose to work for a company with favorable rules and policies. Work only for company that you believe the vision. This way you’ll get more motivated for the job. However, once you’ve chosen a company... continue |

25 Commandments for Home Based IT Workers (Part 1)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 31 Jan, 2011

Nowadays you wouldn’t have to go abroad to work for employers abroad. Home based and telecommute jobs are getting bigger and so the needs for more workers continuous to surge. However, not all got what it takes to stay long in this new industry. If you want to become successful in a home based IT job, take the following tips:

1. Get familiar with your market. There are a lot of online services that you can offer. Some of these are... continue |

25 Commandments for Home Based IT Workers (Part 2)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 31 Jan, 2011

5. Get updated with what’s latest. Let’s admit it. Pioneers get always the first seat. Hence, get yourself updated of the latest method, technology, or innovation in your career. Never go out of style. Open yourself to development and go with the “evolution” flow. Subscribe to the most credible bloggers in your field. Always visit online forums covering your career. If you do this, you’ll become more successful in leading your chosen online career.

6. Gather regular clients. If you want... continue |

25 Commandments for Home Based IT Workers (Part 3)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 31 Jan, 2011

10. Secure working samples. If you have validated and published work online, you won’t have a problem in showing samples to your employers and clients. You just have to give them the web address. But if you don’t have, make a sample of your work online, preferably published with your online resume. Just make sure that the samples are not published anywhere else (happens when you’ve sold the right to other people) to avoid law suits. Remember to avoid typos... continue |

25 Commandments for Home Based IT Workers (Part 4)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 31 Jan, 2011

16. Secure reliable contact methods. Use only few reliable contact methods that are always within your reach. Make sure that you’re always available for your clients’ requests and questions. This is necessary especially if the project you’re working on is urgent. You wouldn’t want to receive a hate mail from your employer stating that you’re fired.

17. Settle only to reliable deals. Never agree to a deal that has several loop holes especially if you don’t know long enough the person... continue |

25 Commandments for Home Based IT Workers (Part 5)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 31 Jan, 2011

22. Be Flexible. You can lessen interruptions, but you can’t totally eliminate them. Hence, learn to become flexible. Adjust to the family’s schedule to fasten your work. If you’d insist in accomplishing your job while the whole family is partying, you’d only loss more energy and in the end you won’t complete a decent work. Balance your time for fun, rest, and work. You wouldn’t have to stick to a definite schedule. Just focus on the things you need to... continue |

3 Things You Need to Qualify for a Job

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 30 Jan, 2011

Many people nowadays just apply for a job without assessing first if they’re indeed qualified. Hence, they’re wasting money, time, and effort, but in the end they’re not considered for the job. If you want to qualify for a job, complete these things you need to get hired:

1. Availability for Work. Of course, this makes sense. You wouldn’t be hired if you’re not available for the job. Even if this is so obvious, this is the most neglected qualification for... continue |

Tips on How to Become Successful in Your Career: Guide for Studs Preparing for College (Part 1)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 29 Jan, 2011

Becoming successful with career is everyone’s dream. Despite this, only few make it in their chosen fields. Some say it takes superb genes to become successful. In fact, most people at school look up on naturally intelligent studs than to industrious ones who have to still study hard to keep up with the competition. On the contrary, it takes a lot of confidence, sweat, dedication, passion, resourcefulness, and a bit of luck to become successful in your chosen endeavor. If... continue |

Tips on How to Become Successful in Your Career: Guide for Studs Preparing for College (Part 2)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 29 Jan, 2011

4. Gather reliable study funding resources. Many had what it takes to become successful in their fields. But most of them stopped studying because they lack funds. Hence, find reliable resources for your studying. Seek help to people in the government, organizations, and foundations. You can also take exams to qualify for a school scholarship. There are a lot of people willing to help students that are eager to pursue their dream. Don’t be ashamed to seek help. Just pay... continue |

Tips on How to Become Successful in Your Career: Guide for Studs Preparing for College (Part 3)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 29 Jan, 2011

1.       Enjoy school. Yes, you have to work hard to achieve your dreams. However, you don’t have to treat every activity at school as if it is a punishment. Take pleasure in your studying. This would give you the much needed energy and focus to gain the maximum result. Form a group of study buddies to keep you company in preparing for exams and doing school projects. To make a fun, fast, and effective review perform a question-and-answer activity where... continue |

Tips on How to Become Successful in Your Career: Guide for Studs Preparing for College (Part 4)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 29 Jan, 2011

11. Share your skills and knowledge. There’s no better way of enhancing your knowledge than sharing it. It is because you gain feedback from others on how effective or correct your teachings are. Moreover, it also inspires you to study more and dig deeper on each lesson to become more efficient in teaching others. By sharing your knowledge, you are helping other people and yourself as well. Every people I’ve meet doing this became successful in their career. Their passion... continue |

Tips on How to Become Successful in Your Career: Guide for Studs Preparing for College (Part 5)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 29 Jan, 2011

15. Aim to top each skill certifications and legibility exams on your field. Let’s admit it. Top notchers always get prioritized in employment. Thus, do your best to top each legibility exam in your field. “Aiming to top would give you greater chance of passing exams”, a professor once told me. Basing from logics, he has a point. If you’re striving to pass, the most probable result is you would either pass or fail. But if you intend to make... continue |

Tips on How to Become Successful in Your Career: Guide for Studs Preparing for College (Part 6)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 29 Jan, 2011

19. Develop a pleasant personality. A good personality captures people’s favor even in employment. While you are still at school, learn the art of good communication. Start practicing by joining groups and organizations that interests you. Volunteer in speaking to a conference or training to enhance your speech. Be of help to others to enhance your attitude and outlook in life. Furthermore, keep yourself clean and tidy. Learn to dress according to occasion. All these things might take much of... continue |

15 Ways to Get Promoted at Work (Part 1)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 27 Jan, 2011

Getting promoted at work is considered as the most rewarding stage in every career. It is a turning point that level ups your benefits, influence, as well as your integrity. These perks are the reason why almost everyone aims to get promoted. However, only few make this dream into reality. Here are the ways they’ve made to get promoted at work:

1. Choose the company you’ll work for. Many just apply to companies they don’t know. Still, they expect good results... continue |

15 Ways to Get Promoted at Work (Part 2)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 27 Jan, 2011

4. Don’t be late and never absent. This is the number 1 rule for employers. To qualify for a promotion, it is always required to have almost zero tardiness. So, even if you’re the most efficient employee, you wouldn’t achieve anything if you’re always late and frequently absent. Being tardy at work is a sign that you’re not concerned with your job. Who employer would promote an employee that is not concerned with the job anyway? Hence, think of ways... continue |

15 Ways to Get Promoted at Work (Part 3)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 27 Jan, 2011

7. Do your work efficiently. As they say, “the results say it all”. If you want to look good to qualify for a promotion, then make your output look good. At the end of the day, your output is the heaviest basis of your effectiveness at work. Hence, do your best in doing your work. Always strive for the best result in everything you do for your employer. There are people who just go to work and pretend to work... continue |

15 Ways to Get Promoted at Work (Part 4)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 27 Jan, 2011

10. Compare only yourself to what you can do best. Do you know why many people don’t get promoted even if they have what it takes? It is because they are not giving what they can do best. They are comparing what they can do to people who can’t do it better. If you want to level yourself up in your career, don’t just settle for the least. Take courage and keep yourself out from the safe zone. Be hungry... continue |

15 Ways to Get Promoted at Work (Part 5)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 27 Jan, 2011

13. Cooperate with co-workers. You may be competing with your co-workers for your most sought promotion. Nevertheless, the goodness of company should come first. What would happen to your work if everyone in your team is competing seriously with one another? Probably, you wouldn’t finish decently even a single task. Thus, if you want to set forth your promotion, set the whole team’s function as your priority. Just keep a friendly competition, because it’s good for your career. But never... continue |

13 Common Questions to Prepare for Job Interview (Part 1)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 25 Jan, 2011

Job interview is the most crucial part of applying for a job. Unlike writing resume that you can do at your own convenience, undergoing a job interview doesn’t give the chance to change and alter what you’ve said and done. There are no take 2’s. Hence, it is important to prepare well, if you really want to get hired. Here are the most common questions asked during interviews, which you can start to answer in preparation for a job interview.

1.... continue |

13 Common Questions to Prepare for Job Interview (Part 2)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 25 Jan, 2011


4. What are your strengths? In this question, strength means the trait that makes you a reliable asset for a company. If this question is asked to you, mention your traits that make you a great choice for the job. Among of the most likable traits are punctuality, industriousness, initiative, cooperative, patience, perseverance, and love and dedication for work. However, it’s not enough to claim a strength. You should state how you developed it, and also how it had help... continue |

13 Common Questions to Prepare for Job Interview (Part 3)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 25 Jan, 2011


8. How do you handle pressure at work? As, I’ve said earlier it’s better to stay honest as much as possible. You can answer this question by telling about the most stressful moment at work you’ve encountered where you managed to still do your job and meet your boss’s expectation or much more surpassed it. It is understandable that each one of us has different stress coping mechanism. Nevertheless, what should come through your answer are your professionalism, initiative, perseverance,... continue |

13 Common Questions to Prepare for Job Interview (Part 4)

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 25 Jan, 2011


11. Why do you think we’d hire you? Hearing this question the first time made me feel intimidated. Nonetheless, interviewers don’t ask this to intimidate applicants. The employer just asks what makes you suited for the job. If you’ve done your research about the company and the job position, this question would be so easy to answer. Simply, site your skills and abilities that match the qualifications for the job. Add also a mix of your good attitude at work... continue |

4 Characteristics of a Winning Online Resume

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 22 Jan, 2011

Creating an online resume enables you to keep a comprehensive record of your achievements, opens better career opportunity, provides convenience in handling your credentials, and can serve as an inspiration to achieve more in your career. With these perks, I’m sure you want to start building your online resume. But if you’re having trouble how it should appear, below is the list of characteristics of a winning resume to help you out.

1. Simple and professionally formatted. The appearance of your... continue |

4 Reasons Why You Should Start Creating an Online Resume

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 22 Jan, 2011

Whether you’re still applying for job, has a stable employment, or still studying; it is ideal to have your own online resume. Here are the reasons why it is important to create and maintain an online resume:

1. Maintaining an online resume enables you to keep a comprehensive record of your achievements. A resume packed with comprehensive achievements gives you a big chance to get hired, especially if every recorded feat is attained within short gaps of time. However, with the... continue |

Career Tip: 4 Reasons Why Laughing Sometimes at Work is Important

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 17 Jan, 2011

To maintain discipline and harmony, offices and companies promote strictness in almost every aspect at work. However, too much seriousness also can hinder efficiency at work. Employees especially the new ones tend to always keep at safe zones and not try to soar greater heights even for the company itself. Aside from this basis, here are some relevant reasons why you should get crazy sometimes at work:

1. It promotes creativity at work. As I’ve said, too much sternness hinders your... continue |

Job Hunting Tip: How to Pick the Best Employer

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 16 Jan, 2011

Yes, you’ve read it right. Applicants are also bestowed with the right to choose where they could apply. However, this fact is often disregarded. Oftentimes, applicants just grab any chance of getting a job even if they’re not familiar with the employer or the job itself. Worst, many even accept jobs that they don’t even like not knowing there are available jobs more fit for them. If you don’t want to encounter this situation, the following are the steps on... continue |

Starting the Year with a Bang: 6 Ways to Successful 2011 Career

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 11 Jan, 2011

The holiday season is just over and so are the non-stop partying and gimmicks. To most, it’s a bit hard to wag off the vacation hang over and start another day of work. To help you get over with your blues, here are some easy steps to jump start your career this 2011:

1. Formulate one career resolution and be serious in fulfilling it. Are you satisfied with the development curve of your career last 2010? Whether you still see space... continue |

4 Things to Do If You Don’t Want To Get Hired

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 20 Aug, 2010

If you want to be hired, you’d better continue reading so you’ll have an idea what applicants often do that misses their possibility for employment. You’ve read it right! There are things that almost every applicant does that dump their chances of getting hired.

1. Sending a generic cover letter. If you think you’re catching several birds in one stone by submitting an all-in-one cover letter, you’re absolutely WRONG. Employers notice cover letters that are written by “happy-go-lucky” applicants. Who... continue |

Job Searching Tip: What You Should Avoid When You’re on Job Hunting

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 16 Aug, 2010

Long time ago, I thought that it would be best to follow other people as they have the gift of experience. I’ve pursue a job that I don’t like. But I only hated each morning that I need to get up for work. It may be too hyperbole to say this, yet this is exactly how I felt with the company and the job. There came a day when I couldn’t take any longer the so called “hell”. I’ve resigned.... continue |

What is more important than IT certification?

By: Melissa Reyes Posted: 15 Aug, 2010

 Obtaining any IT certifications without any firm purposes would mislead to disappointment or even frustrations. This eventually gives wrong notion to other aspirants i.e. certification is the assurance to achieve success. Well, If this is the primary reason many try to acquire at least one, I believe this certification does not live up to their expectations. Why?    There is no doubt that commitment and hard work still the first step to success. However I am not saying certification doesn’t do... continue |

Work at Home Interruptions: Always Expect the Unexpected

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 11 Aug, 2010

Just this morning, I and my sister had an argument. It started when she asked me if I’d work. Annoyed of her day to day usual question, I snapped. She doesn’t seem to understand that my work needs constant attention even if its home based. I somehow felt that all she cares is her online games, her chat mates, and her virtual pet. I do understand her position. She only wants a little leisure in escape on her stressful night... continue |

Career Tip: The Email Protocols

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 04 Aug, 2010

Emailing is one of the most convenient modes of communication today. It is also the most recognized source of credible affirmation among other online messaging. These characteristics make it the “most critical form of messaging”. Many had gone through troubles just because of sending email, including me.

Yesterday, my boss and I had a misunderstanding because of my email. I am new in the company and on probationary. The agreement is- I’ll post my first two articles in his website. I’ll... continue |

The Importance of Education: Why Nerds are better than Jerks

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 02 Aug, 2010

Just this morning, a relative came in my house. She seeks assistance as his husband is bed ridden. No one, even their own children couldn’t afford to send him for medication. I’ve seen how the couple strived for their children’s education. Unfortunately, these “brats” didn’t appreciate their parent’s sacrifices. During school hours they were often seen outside school premises, having fun with fellow jerks. Of course, as a result, they failed and later halted their studies.

I can still picture her... continue |

Career Advancement Tip: How to Manage Communications

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 02 Aug, 2010

Have you experienced being nagged by your text mate just because you hadn’t replied for an hour? It’s not surprising if you did. Many nowadays put importance on immediate communication. The convenience and massive availability of different modes of communication made a new unuttered rule. This new rule applies not only on social circle, but more on every job.

Now that prompt communication became a must at work, learn to adopt for a smooth sailing work routine. Here are some tips... continue |

The Secrets of Effective Time Management Revealed

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 30 Jul, 2010

Have you noticed people recently? Everybody seemed to be always in a hurry. I, myself grows tired of running after the minutes and seconds. All I do is work-rest-work-rest-work, until my grandfather died. I realized how precious every moment is and how fast time passes by. From then on, I became determined to budget my time for my family and work, and also for myself. I was eager to have effective time management.

Do you have a fixed written schedule? Go... continue |

The Benefits of Joining Online Groups

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 30 Jul, 2010

Before, I was so weary to join any online group being scared of cluttering my email inbox with bunches of spams. However, when I was having an expert problem with my current job, I had to join a group to seek assistance. Surprisingly, within just a half day this org had answered my question, including those questions who are bugging me around since I started writing. All this relief, for free! Yes, you heard it right. There is still free... continue |

Tips in Coping to Stress at Work: Handling Bullies in Workplaces

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 30 Jul, 2010

I’ve gone through three different formidable companies. If you’ll ask me what is common among these companies; I’ll say, “They are all have bullies”. Bullying is so common from school to workplaces. As my previous supervisor had said, “All jungles have snakes”. Most companies are invaded by bullies. As they’re no superhero to save us from this “invasion”, learn to defend yourself. There are ways you can cope to stress at work by learning how to handle bullies around you.

The... continue |

Cheating at School: Do Cheaters Succeed?

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 30 Jul, 2010

Exchange of test answers, copying homework, and other forms of cheating at school is common stigma of the academic system these days. As technology advanced, so is cheating. The availability of cellphones and massive use of internet enabled greater heights of this evil act. “Evil act?” maybe you’re thinking that I’m being exaggerated. Nope, I’m not. Copying and cheating is definitely evil. Even if everybody seem to do it, it’s still not right.

Yes, I’ve become student myself. I had it... continue |

Tips for computer technicians

By: Mon Peter I. Damiles Posted: 21 Jul, 2010

What are computer technicians? Computer technicians are the one whom you call whenever you’re having problems with your computer. They are the one who is capable of fixing errors and removing viruses. Being a computer technician isn’t an easy job. It requires proper training and experience.

Below are some tips for computer technicians:

Check the possible cause of error: As a computer technician, I assume that you already know the basic things to check in troubleshooting. For example: The computer won’t turn... continue |

Effective Steps to Successful Job Searching Online

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 10 Jul, 2010

Applying online is easy but getting job isn’t. You’d be lucky enough to get job after a month of searching online. Don’t lose hope. The following steps are proven to give a favorable result in no time.

Search for Job Posting Sites. Popular search engines are programmed to respond on keyword density. Thus, it is most unlikely that you’ll catch substantial number of nice posted jobs. To increase your chances, prefer to search for job posting sites first. Prioritize sites that... continue |

Career Tip: The Science of Successful Bragging

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 10 Jul, 2010

Bragging is often perceived as negative. However, it is sometimes needed in getting ahead on tough career competition. There are people who effectively use them on their advantage without being noticed. Their secret…they know the science of successful bragging. Here are some tips on how you can brag safely:

Don’t mention an achievement when it’s not within the topic of conversation. This is the number 1 rule. People who instantly jump on bragging are viewed as big headed. See to it... continue |

4 Steps to Write Your Winning Resume

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 08 Jul, 2010

Are you tired of getting no answer from prospect employers? Well, you’re not alone. Most applicants, even those with most kicking qualifications, are experiencing difficulty in having appointment for interview. Surprisingly, this is a real-life situation. Often, this happens when the applicant’s abilities aren’t reflected on the submitted resume. Here are few effective steps on how you can translate well your qualifications into a piece of job-winning resume:

Step 1. Understand posted qualifications and write down your matching competencies

First things first,... continue |

The Two Types of Work-at-Home Jobs: Pros and Cons

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 05 Jul, 2010

Work-at-home jobs are composed mainly of two types. Each of these two major forms of online trade gives distinctively different circumstances and conditions to home professionals. If you want to have a career without living your house, read on. You have to know the difference of two types of existing online trade in choosing well what kind would suit your needs.

Freelance Jobs

From the word itself, you’re free... you’re on your own self-employment. It is more of a business than a... continue |

4 Things Making Up An Ideal Job

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 05 Jul, 2010

People got the idea that good paying jobs are the best jobs you could ever have. But to those who tasted the careers ups and downs, money alone won’t keep you stick to a profession. Here are the 4 things that make up an ideal job.

Your ideal job makes you enjoy.  Most people who made it on the top of their game had chosen the career path that is nearest to their hearts. They took their hobbies and favorite activities... continue |

Interview Tips: The Do’s and Don’ts When You’re At Assessment

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 05 Jul, 2010

The final judgment whether you’ll win or lose your sought-after job lies on your interview. This fact is an unspoken truth that makes undergoing this process more stressful.  To help you get ready, these are few tips you can use to emerge victorious.

Don’t: Don’t be late! Remember, you are supposed to be asserting behavior while the spotlights are on you. Would you like to create a bad image out of yourself? No one would allow his battle defeated, especially that... continue |

Don’t You Dare Say These Words in Front of Your Boss!

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 02 Jul, 2010

If you don’t want to have an out of the blue forced resignation, don’t even think about saying these statements as you talk with your boss.

I’ll try. So you’ll try. Then after trying what next? Am I going to be sure you have the work done or you’ll come back wasting paid hours saying you’ve failed? This is how your boss would think if you’ll squirt out this unmindful reply. Be sure with what you say and clear out by... continue |

How Your Online Social Account Can Affect Your Career

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 29 Jun, 2010

Mind you… online accounts such as Friendster, Facebook, Twitter, and others; can really affect your employment. How? Do you remember posting some silly comments online? Imagine what would your future employer think when he reads it. What more if he sees your odd username?

I remember a coworker of mine submitted a file folder to the department head using his username upon naming it. The folder was named “lazybone”. Until now I can still picture boss’s irritated face as he asks... continue |

Warning for Future IT Applicants: Signs You are Being Scammed

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 27 Jun, 2010


Before I landed on a stable career, I’ve fallen several times being blinded with promising oasis. I’ve failed to scrutinize what I was going into. There’s nothing wrong of being optimistic. Nevertheless, the thing that makes you optimistic should be real enough not to fail you in the end. Sounds like something you’ve already experience? That’s not surprising. If not all, most of us already came across of being cheated. Huh umm… not cheated on love, cheated by job scams.... continue |

How to Launch your Work-at-Home IT Career Like an Expert

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 24 Jun, 2010

If you’re planning to pursue your IT career at home, below are the things you need to settle so you’ll have a delightful start.

Set Up Working Environment. Before anything else you need to fix your working environment. Working at your house exposes you to a lot of distraction. If you cannot manage these interruptions, most likely you’ll have a hard time finishing your daily task or worst you won’t even able to start it. Have a separate place or area... continue |

Why Writing is Important in Every Career

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 21 Jun, 2010

Some neglect the importance of writing. What’s the use of it, if your job does not require good writing? Indeed, you’re not obliged to do well in writing. However, if you want to have an edge over competitors, learning to write well is big plus.

Writing: Importance and Career Applications

I’m serious. Writing is special. The knowledge of good writing can help you get on top of your career in many ways. Written communication and reports are needed in every job. In... continue |

How to Avoid Getting Discouraged at Work

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 14 Jun, 2010

Unhealthy working environment, tons of workloads, miscommunication with co-workers, all these along with other unpleasant things at work easily gets into our nerve. The stress can be intense enough in affecting concentration and work efficiency. At worst conditions, it can even damage positive attitude and being. If you’re having a hard time coping in harsh conditions of working, here are some pointers on how you can avoid of getting discouraged at work:

Take control of your environment by being organized. Be... continue |

Secrets on How to Balance Career and Family

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 14 Jun, 2010

Oftentimes, people who have successful career have broken family. While those who choose their family over their career, stop taking their personal endeavors. People are pressured to choose between a fulfilling career and happy family life. However, there are some who successfully juggles family and career life. They do not have super powers nor possess two bodies. All they have are the following:

Proper Time Management

Time consumes, even if you don’t move a thing. Like money, it needs budgeting so you’ll... continue |

Simple Tips to a Booming Career

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 14 Jun, 2010

Who would not want a successful career? Everyone hopes to achieve a fulfilling work. What divides achievers from dreamers is what they do. Here are what achievers do that set asides them from others. They are simple tips you can use to start having your dream career:

Define your goal. Setting your goal will give you a route. Some people just start out their career without a goal. Afterwards, they grow tired of what they do and shift to other career.... continue |

Networking: The Art of Boosting Your Career

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 14 Jun, 2010

Aside from skills improvement and earning credible employment history, another thing you can work on to level up is networking. What some often take for granted is marketing themselves after spicing up for better career. Create ways in exposing yourself in the market. There’s nothing more massive and more effective in doing this than networking.

Advantages of Gaining Network

The traditional way of employment is applying for companies who have vacant positions. Once you’re hired, like it or not you have to... continue |

The Only 3 Things You Need To Know About Your Skills

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 12 Jun, 2010

Believe me or not, there are only three things you need to know about skills. While others are being conventional, you can have better knowledge on how to hone your skills as you toggle along. Well, they’re not like the “1000 Secrets to Ultimate Knowledge”, (pardon if there’s one as I just made up this title). These are only simple facts on skills that are often forgotten because of discrimination. “Oh, she’s not one of us in the Ugawakabaluba Industry,... continue |

What Every Student Should Know About Education

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 09 Jun, 2010

Education nowadays is an important aspect in of self-improvement, not only financially but mostly psychologically. People holding diplomas have greater advantage over non-graduates, especially today where educational background is a major issue in almost all jobs. Thus, finishing study becomes vital and drive to pursue it by understanding the “rule of education” is an added plus. It enables you to know the essence of each subject and activity at school no matter how hard it can get.

Appreciation of what you... continue |

Truths and Myths of Work at Home Jobs

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 09 Jun, 2010

The availability of internet and its boundless capabilities in communication and functionality in almost every aspect opened doors for many possibilities, including working at home. Often times, working at home is perceived to have all the glories of standard of living, as you have your family with you while working. However, remote jobs especially freelancing are not for everybody. Not being aware of its disadvantages could create a lot of trouble both for your job and family relationship as well.

 If... continue |

Importance of Choosing Well Your College Course

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 09 Jun, 2010

Taking time to enjoy life and savor its pleasures is fine. However, time passes by and you could be wasting time looking at the stars while you should be running after your dreams. Planning for the future is essential as it is guides you along your journey. With the tough employment competition nowadays, along with global recession, having a blueprint on how you will achieve your dreams is important if you’re really up for its realization.

There are a lot of... continue |

How to Choose the Best College Course for You

By: Tesa Mari S. Sabao Posted: 09 Jun, 2010

Entering college education creates a sense of maturity. A beginning of a new phase of life, it entails additional responsibility and awareness, which includes assessing your field of study. Choosing well your college course is essential, as it will be the foundation of your future career.

Many graduates nowadays are still unemployed because they did not took time in sorting out well what college course will suit them best. Low demand in market of employment, lack of interest for the career... continue |

Why You Should Take Security Certification?

By: Ailene B. Misa Posted: 03 Feb, 2010
Are you an IT graduate or an IT professional? Either of these you might be looking for a certification that might fit you and give you an opportunity to launch in a well paid job. You might be asking yourself of the most in demand IT certification that can be acquired in the market. Let me tell you these, before you ask yourself of the best certification you must identify first what is the hottest issue in the world of... continue |

IT Trends in 2010

By: Ailene B. Misa Posted: 02 Feb, 2010
Come 2010! Every IT professional and even students are asking themselves this question: what will be the IT trend for this year.

IT experts and analyst have their own forecast of the coming IT Trend for this year. Most IT professionals are waiting for forecast to know professional prospects and disputes. Nearly all forecast were derived with rational and practical application to facilitate progress for professional growth or shall we say lasting profession.

The truth is the demand for both IT products... continue |


By: Vianca C. Villar Posted: 25 Jan, 2010
Still unemployed? Job hunting can be really tough these days. One vacant position may have at least less than one hundred applications excluding those under consideration. You can just imagine how hard it is getting that coveted post. Selling yourself is the art you will need to master when facing your potential employers requiring basic preparation and assessment of your skills to help you land that job. Here are a few things you can do to get yourself hired this... continue |

A Guide to IT Courses…

By: Vianca C. Villar Posted: 14 Dec, 2009

Have you decided to take a course in IT? Are you sure you picked the one for you? Over time, the proliferation of computer studies and schools offering computer related subjects has been observed in all parts of the world in response to the growing need of dedicated training and learning in Information and Communications Technology (ICT).

Basic Courses
A closer look on to what each course has to offer will give you a better idea in choosing which is it that... continue |

RedHat Linux Instructors JOIN US!

By: Louie Jacinto Posted: 28 Nov, 2009

We're seeking people like you who have in-depth knowledge in RedHat Linux Administration.

We offer competitive compensation to every qualified RedHat Linux Instructors.

Full Time or Part Time applicants are accepted

APPLY ONLINE NOW or Email us at or call 7362032 for details

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PHP and MYSQL Instructors JOIN US!!

By: Louie Jacinto Posted: 17 Nov, 2009

PHP and MYSQL Instructors JOIN US!!

We're seeking people like you who have in-depth knowledge about PHP and MYSQL pragramming.

We offer competitive compensation to every qualified PHP and MYSQL Instructors.

Full Time or Part Time applicants are accepted

APPLY ONLINE NOW or Email us at or call 7362032 for details


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Quality Writers JOIN US!

By: Louie Jacinto Posted: 13 Nov, 2009

Quality writers wanted: Join us! - Part Time

We're seeking people like you who have in-depth knowledge about a particular topic, a passion about that topic and a desire to share related insights with others.

Join others as they provide a wealth of technical information, insider perspectives, helpful resources, and a view into a variety of events and activities.

We offer competitive compensation to every quality writers. You will write topics about Computers, Internet, new trends in Information Technology, Computer Trainings and Certifications, Technical Informations... continue |

Important things to consider during job interviews

By: Melissa Reyes Posted: 24 Oct, 2009

In addition to a better preparation, practice has been in mind to candidates for job interviews. They have been anticipating questions being thrown at them and the possible answers are well prepared for speaking them up. They've been trying to convince and impress the interviewer to finally be hired. Individuals, who are already experienced in many interviews, are exposed to variety of scenarios and the art of interviewing. In fact according to them, there are things to be considered to... continue |

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