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CNCTC Articles - Excellence in IT TRAINING

The importance of having a UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply

by: Mon Peter I. Damiles | 09 Apr, 2012 16:28:41

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UPS or an uninterruptible power supply is a device which immediately provides backup power during power failure. A UPS is normally used for computers or other devices such as networking equipments. This will allow the users to save everything to avoid data loss and properly shut the computer down.  Having a UPS in a company is a must.

Based from personal experience, it is really a must to have a UPS for companies in order to prevent downtime. This is also used to prevent damages to equipments and devices especially with electricity fluctuations. You can never be sure with those small fluctuations because sometimes, it could still affect your devices.

Before, when I started working as an IT staff, a single UPS was not enough to accommodate all IT equipments. Some routers were only plugged into a direct socket. There was this time that fluctuations were present once In a while. It became a big problem for us because the said routers need to reboot again because of the said power failure. That also resulted to the delay of our operation. After experiencing the said problem, I immediately ordered a UPS to accommodate all equipments to avoid problems. Having a UPS in a company really helps a lot.

Emergency power would depend on the size of the UPS and its current load. If you have a small UPS, it could give you 5 – 15 minutes backup power. If you want more minutes, I would recommend you to get a bigger UPS because it could accommodate more charge compared to a small size UPS. A UPS is a bit expensive but it is a good investment for a company. A small UPS can cost you around 5k already.

In order to maximize the use of a UPS, connect only those important equipments like computers and other related equipments. Don’t connect those devices which don’t need immediate power or emergency power. Some of you might ask if a UPS and a generator have the same features. The answer is no. A UPS differs from a generator because a UPS instantly provides emergency power during power failure. A generator only acts as a standby power which means that devices will still shut off for some time during a power failure and will only resume if the generator is already powered on.

For those who want to purchase a UPS, you could check prices from or . You could ask the seller if what kind of UPS they will recommend to you depending on your needs.

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