Human Computers Interaction by 2020: Does it need proper assessment and evaluation?
The far-reaching evolution of computers is checkered with excitement and anxiety. There’s no doubt that computer technologies totally emerge to our lives and quickly change our day-to-day activities. It has further foreseen the possible development by 2020. Whatever the consequence adverse or beneficial will inevitably happen.
What worries majority consumers is the negative impact to human values. Though nowadays, we come across advanced interfaces using fingertips to manipulate on-screen devices in lieu of keyboard and mouse, we anticipate the human-computer interaction (HCI) to dominate our lives so soon. What more will inventors create?
By 2020, it was predicted that we will be using digital screen similar to a piece of paper that can be folded where we can store and record information instead of using books and magazines. It was once believed that a fabric such as clothes we wear can possibly cure our diseases. As a matter of fact, furthering the advancement of technologies gives us convenience but the possible negative impact that HCI may completely control is at-risk.
Have you ever imagined that everything is controlled by machine? If this is true, proper assessment to this so-called HCI must be given ample attention by the government and the agencies that are responsible for this innovation. Human beings should have preserved values that may not be taken away by human inventions. For instance, human intelligence is innate which shouldn’t be replaced by artificial intelligence. Every human being has identity and privacy which we should not be exposed publicly. If even human values will be under the control of this new-proposed technology, inevitably, people are meaningless and the creation and discoveries will not be useful but harmful.
Will human beings become slavish more specifically in decision-making? This question is addressed to everyone because every human being is more responsible for oneself. Everyone knows what is best for him.

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