13 Common Questions to Prepare for Job Interview (Part 4)
11. Why do you think we’d hire you? Hearing this question the first time made me feel intimidated. Nonetheless, interviewers don’t ask this to intimidate applicants. The employer just asks what makes you suited for the job. If you’ve done your research about the company and the job position, this question would be so easy to answer. Simply, site your skills and abilities that match the qualifications for the job. Add also a mix of your good attitude at work that you think will make you an asset for the company. End the answer by saying how passionate you are about the job and its function, and how you are eager to learn more for the company. There may be other more qualified candidates about the job. However, qualifications are not the sole basis of being hired. Sometimes, employers choose less qualified applicant that has the right attitude, love for work, and dedication for the job.
12. What can you do for our company? Like the previous question, all you need to do is to prove that you got the skills required for the job, how passionate you are about the job, and how are you willing to persevere for the company’s ideals. You don’t have to go for an extravagant answer like “I’d save this company from the global crisis”. Take note, they’re not after for Superman or Wonder Woman. Doing your job’s function effectively, being punctual, and showing good example to fellow co-workers are more than enough contribution for any company.
13. Where are you ten years from now? Among of the questions sited herein, this is the most usual question often asked during a job interview. The reason why this is often asked is because employers wanted to know if you have plans of staying long in the company. There are many applicants who aim only for job experience. Most of the time, they’d instantly leave after the company exerts an effort to train them well for the job. If you are the employer, would you invest money, time, and effort in training employee’s who’d leave in an instant? Have in mind that training an employee is spending, which requires a return in investment. Hence, you can answer this question by describing yourself successful in your career because of your stay in the company. Its fine to mention material gain as its part of everyone’s dream and it is one of the reason why we work hard. But when answering this question, stress out how you want to be successful in terms of your career and emotional satisfaction with the help of the company.
Use this list as a reference to prepare for your job interview. If you want to pass the interview, make a move. Start researching for the company’s background and the job’s function. It’ll help you to gain more confidence to win the job.
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