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2 Easy Ways to Keep Your Blog Updated

by: Tesa Mari S. Sabao | 14 Dec, 2010 15:36:03

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Keeping the blog running is every blogger’s dilemma, especially if you’re in the middle of important unrelated chore while in the effort of maintaining your avid readers. Before I was having same problems until I’ve discovered the following solutions:

Connect your blog to your social networking accounts. Believe me, keeping your readers updated with what’s going on through short posts on Facebook and Twitter does enough work. As long as your posts are interesting and heavy enough, you won’t need to post a 1000-word article. According to statistics, readers like it short, simply because almost all of us are in always on the run. Just install a widget of your Facebook page or any widget connected to your most used social networking account. Now, if you’re really busy to extent that you cannot even open your computer, connect through your social accounts using your cellphone. This should solve all your worries. Otherwise, try out the following one.

Install RSS feed widget of daily quotes or tips related to your blog. Simply find a blog offering daily quotes or tips related to your niche. Then, click the orange button inside the address bar, next to URL of the blog of daily tidbits.  If you couldn’t find the button, don’t sweat it (The site is not available on XML file, therefore it has no feed). Find another blog with the orange button in the address bar. If you’ve find a blog offering daily tidbits with an orange button on its address bar, click the button. Just make sure that when you push the RSS button you have signed out to all sharing and bookmarking websites.  This is to avoid the automatic switch of address in the attempt of your good pal pc to bookmark or share. Once you’ve clicked the orange button, you’d arrive in a page showing all the daily quotes or tips that you wanted for your own blog. Copy the URL of the page. Use the copied URL in making your feed widget. Just go to a website that offers free feed widget like Feedwind. Finally, customize the appearance of your widget, copy the corresponding code, and paste it on your website. You’re done! You wouldn’t have to worry whenever you’re too busy to update your blog.

If you couldn’t find a blog offering relevant daily tidbits for your blog, another option is to create a program that automatically does the time-based switching of predetermined messages. However, this takes a lot of time than the other two that was discussed earlier. Still your readers deserve your best. If not, then why do they have to follow your blog?

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