22 Tips on Interviewing the Boss (Part 4)
13. Know the stress level of the job. Some want routine way of dealing with the job, while others seek a job that will give them a surprise adventure each day. No matter what you prefer it is important that you assess the level of stress of the job. Hence, ask your interviewer. Same job titles in different companies aren’t really the same. The range of scope, quantity and quality requirements, the stability of procedures and systems, the level of technology and equipment advancement, are only some of the factors that make job so much different even with same title. This is the reason why same jobs to different companies aren’t the same. Hence, don’t get caught with promise of good salary and benefits. Assess whether you can handle the stress and pressure accompanied with the job.
14. Determine the range of support and training. Don’t claim skills which you don’t have, if you don’t want to get lost in the middle of a job. Instead site what you really can do, and inquire about the management’s range of support and training. However, don’t make yourself look like a baby begging for walker. Still, stress out that you can do the job. If you don’t, just leave. Consider the support and training is only at minimum. You’re only obliged to know what they are and how they will be given to you.
15. Know the management style of your future boss. It’s no secret that you want to get along with the boss, because my dear- EVERYONE DOES. So, don’t be shy to ask how the boss handles employees, especially the newbies, which includes you if you’ll be hired. Ask the specific traits desirable to your employer, and the traits that aren’t welcome in the company. Knowing these things will give you an idea about the working atmosphere in the company, as well as the possible lapses that you might encounter. Asking this question will prepare you of what lies ahead in case you like the job and be successful in having it. Next>>>

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