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CNCTC Articles - Excellence in IT TRAINING

22 Tips on Interviewing the Boss (Part 5)

by: Tesa Mari S. Sabao | 16 Mar, 2011 11:16:43

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16.   Determine your work schedule. Whether you’ll going to apply for a regular company-based job, or a home based job; it is relevant that you know the specific schedule. This includes overtimes, breaks, and paid and unpaid day offs. Nevertheless, just ask about overtimes. As I’ve said, the job interview is not the right time to ask about perks and benefits. It’s better to ask them later about breaks, and paid and unpaid day offs when the job is already offered to you. Focus your question on the work schedule for you to assess if you can handle the transportation and lifestyle accompanied with it.

17.   Know the quality and quantity requirements. Companies have different accepted internal quality and quantity requirements. They maybe have same accepted standards especially if they’re on same industry. Nevertheless, each entity has a different way of coping to those standards, which employees are required to work accordingly. Hence, as applicants you should know whether you can cope up with those requirements. You should ask this to the interviewer, if you want to know whether you’d like the job or not.

18.   Ask what is expected from you at your 6th month in the job. If you don’t want to find yourself surprised with too much expectation from your boss, ask the interviewer what is expected from you. Know whether you’ll be assessed, or be closely supervised within your first six months at work. Oftentimes, new employees are expected to learn the turnarounds in the company during the first three months and attain the average output during his or her first six months. You only have twelve weeks to know the company and twenty-four weeks to keep up with your co-workers. Therefore, you only have a short time to prove your worth. Hence, if you want to succeed, prepare for it. During the job interview, ask the specific things you should have achieved during these periods. 

19.   Inquire about the management ladder in your department. This is important for you to know the people you’ll coordinate with, and to whom you’ll report directly. If you don’t want to end up in a job with multiple bosses in a complex management ladder, ask for details during your job interview. This would also save you from co-workers who might take advantage of your newbieness. Have in mind; there are some employees who mischievously pass their work to others. Next>>>

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