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CNCTC Articles - Excellence in IT TRAINING

24 Things that Effectively Motivates You to Work (Part 4)

by: Tesa Mari S. Sabao | 12 Feb, 2011 19:27:39

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11. Smile. Only heartless people don’t get infected with the contagious disease called, “smiling”. Even if you feel bad, try to smile and you’d feel much better inside. This is a good motivation for yourself and others as well. You can also help others get motivated by giving them a beaming true-to-heart smile. It will surely ease the tension, stress, and negative vibes, promoting a good working atmosphere. So, start the habit of smiling to brighten up your spirit withstanding trials at work.

12. Praise. A simple complement can take you to a long run. It is one of the most effective things that motivate people to work. Thus, be kind to yourself. Commend yourself for every achievement you attain- but not out loud pleaseJ. Notice also others efforts at work. Whenever a co-worker does well at work, give him/her an honest praise. Start the tradition of honest praising at work and you’ll feel more recharged. Remember also not to take the praises in your head. Stay humble. Instead, prove you’re worthy of the praises that you receive.

13. Appreciation. Knowing that you’re appreciated and your efforts are valued make you more motivated at work. Hence, take every thank you note and cherish them. Receive the positive energy and happiness it gives you. Relish the moments at your job when you were appreciated and valued as a member. It’ll give the balance you need at times of chaos at your work. Don’t ever think that you’re not appreciated, especially if you know honestly that you’re doing your job at your best. Others may not say it out loud, but from their hearts they know you’re a valued member of the company. You may start also the tradition of thanking others at work. It’ll help you get a lot of positive energies and become more motivated for whatever the challenge your work may bring.

14. Happy Thoughts. Do you remember Peter Pan’s formula of flying-“Just think of happy thoughts”? Same goes for your work. If you want to soar high, think of happy thoughts. They can be your good memories, imagination, or any mental imagery that will put back your optimism at work. When you’re on pressure, just think of something funny. For instance, when your boss scolds you at work, imagine him or her in a step mom’s dress and you being Cinderella. This way you’ll retain your happy spirit needed for an efficient work. Just keep your smile when you imagine something, if you don’t want people to think that you’re getting crazy. Next>>>

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