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CNCTC Articles - Excellence in IT TRAINING

24 Things that Effectively Motivates You to Work (Part 6)

by: Tesa Mari S. Sabao | 12 Feb, 2011 19:20:41

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18. Good Relationship with Co-Workers. Good relationship among people at work is important in a job. Without it, a team won’t achieve anything even a single task. With the everyday pressure and stress present at work, it’s normal to have misunderstandings every now and then. It is important to solve a conflict as soon as it arises to prevent further problems at work. You only have to become humble in approaching someone you had conflict with. Maintain respect in acknowledging him or her with your thoughts and perception. Give him or her also the chance to say his or her piece. This way you’d solve the conflict effectively as there’s no conflict irresolvable with a sincere talk. Put importance to your co-workers. Getting along with co-workers will give you motivation at work.

19. Nice Working Environment. A nice organized working area will boost you to work than a place full of clutter. Hence, take time to fix your working place. Separate your files according to types. Combine documents with same purpose and procedure. You’ll save a lot time and effort once your things at work are organized. Consider also the lighting on your area to make you comfortable at work. Make sure also that your table and chair have ideal height and dimensions. Situate also where you’d be undisturbed while you work. It would also help if you’ll have a drawer with lock for confidential files. Add personality to your table by putting office accessories on it, like pen holder and pictures frames. Just make these accessories in minimal number to have more space for work.

20. Complete and Efficient Equipments at Work. Do you still remember your first day in a company having laid your eyes on your first working desk? When I first saw my computer at work, I felt so excited. It was the most efficient computer at that time and it made me feel as if I’m the most valued employee- even though others have it alsoJ. Aside from the psychological motivation, efficient tools at work will make your job easier and take less time to accomplish, making every task a delight. If your computer or other equipments at work are malfunctioning, request for repair or replacement. Request also for lacking tools and equipments. Inform your superior with your problem. Once you have complete and efficient tools at work, you’d definitely feel more motivated to accomplish tasks at work. Next>>>

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