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CNCTC Articles - Excellence in IT TRAINING

3 Characteristics of a Winning Website Name

by: Tesa Mari S. Sabao | 17 Jan, 2011 06:06:43

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Believe it or not, naming a website is one of the most crucial parts of launching a website. It is crucial in the sense that it can make your launch an instant success or an automatic failure. However, this fact is often disregarded. Many just start launching without taking much concern on how the name of the website can affect its success. To help you get through the process with flying colors, here are the 3 characteristics of a winning website:

1.       Keyword optimized. You’re launching a website to attract customers and clients. But your first problem is how are you going to make it visible to your target readers? The answer to this problem is keyword optimizing. Keyword optimizing is done to make a content or website visible to search engines like Google and Yahoo. If your website’s name contains the most popular words on your niche, your website will have a better chance of getting listed by search engines whenever a target reader searches the net. To make it easier, think of the words you’ll use to find for what you’re offering on your target readers view.

2.       Easy to remember. If your website’s name is easy to digest, it would be easy for your online visitors to get back to you once they find your content beneficial. Moreover, it would be easy for them to refer them to their networks. According to statistics, readers’ attention span is so short. Thus, don’t expect them to memorize a long website name even if they like what it contains.

3.       Appealing to target readers. Your website’s name carries the image of your business to your online readers. Hence, it should be appealing and asserts competitiveness on your industry or much more claim the leadership on your niche. However, it should also depict concern for your target readers. Just think on your target readers’ way of thinking. The name doesn’t have to be serious. As long as it’s decent and catchy, you’re on your way to online popularity.

You can easily change a website slogan without any hassle, but changing a website name is different. It’s like relocating in a new place while struggling to keep your customers. If you don’t want to start over again with your campaign and launching, consider the pointers sited herein. You don’t have to hire a consultant just for this. All you need is the passion for your endeavor and the hunger to succeed.

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