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CNCTC Articles - Excellence in IT TRAINING

7 Warning Signs Technology is Ruining Your Life (Part 2)

by: Tesa Mari S. Sabao | 17 Jan, 2011 14:26:29

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1.       Everyday your Facebook account is blocked because your comments are reported as abusive. You have earned more enemies online than from “real life” by awful comments. Still, you are keeping them as friends on Facebook and label them as “frienemies”, the combination of the words friend and enemy. Let me just refresh you… Facebook and other social networking websites was made to make friends not make enemies. Remember, technology is meant to make people feel good not hurt them. What would you feel if someone spills out a nasty comment on you on World Wide Web? No matter what he or she did to you, it’s still not an enough excuse to ruin his or her reputation. Moreover, your frienemies’ reputation is not the only one at stake but your image as well. Whoever reads your bad comments will see you horrible. Your boss or client wouldn’t like such terrible attitude.

2.       Every now and then, your computer gets infected with viruses and malwares. Every day you have to clean up your computer for malwares and viruses, because you’re downloading any software you find likable without checking it first. Many websites are launched everyday just to fulfill its creator (or should I say “hacker”) criminal plans. Oftentimes, they use attractive downloadable baits with hidden malwares and viruses. If you don’t want to become one of their victims, then always be careful in choosing the sites you visit and softwares you prefer to download.  Remember, prevention is better than cure. You wouldn’t want your computer’s stability forsaken just because you were not careful enough.

3.       You are hospitalized because of ulcer or arm injury. Computer games nowadays are so good that they’re addicting, and I admit..I’m guilty. Nevertheless, we should always consider what is enough and what is hurting- because it’s too much. Earning ulcer because you’re too busy to eat is not entertaining anymore. Have in mind that you have a life and future ahead of you. They’re more worthy to spend time at than tiring your eyes out for a world that’s not even real.

There’s no doubt- technology is so indulging. Hence, it is our responsibility to handle it right for our advantage not for our destruction. As they say, “Too much of a good thing ceases its goodness”.

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