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CNCTC Articles - Excellence in IT TRAINING

An effective way to secure your computer

by: Mon Peter I. Damiles | 29 Aug, 2010 10:01:45

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Deep freeze, a program made by Faronics. This program is very useful especially in schools, offices and even in internet shops. The main purpose of this program is to instantly restore settings made by users after restarting. This can really be helpful to prevent system changes, deleted items, and installed softwares. This must be installed into your system. After installing this one, your system will automatically be in the “freeze” state meaning that when your restart your computer, all changes done into your computer will be erased and will be restored to its original state. In you need to install or save files, you need to disable Deep Freeze first for you to be able to save them. This program can save several hours of maintenance for computers. Deep Freeze only makes virtual changes to your computer though it looks like that all changed made was permanent but after restarting it, it will automatically discard all changes done to your system.

This program is one of the best when it comes to securing your system settings. This is like a system restore because it automatically restores your setting to the time that you installed Deep Freeze. When you have this one your system, it can really give you the peace of mind that nothing can happen to your computer. Basically, this program is installed in the C: drive because it is normally the drive where your windows and settings are installed. If you have more than one partition, you can still install the program to your other drives but always remember that if your drive has a deep freeze installed, any saved files will be deleted after restarting. Disabling Deep Freeze is called the “thawed” state meaning to say that this is the time where you can install and save your files so that it won’t be wiped after rebooting. Deep freeze can also protect your computer from malware. It is very effective because even if your computer has been infected with a virus, all you need to do is restart your computer to remove it. It may not be in real time but it’s effective.

Deep Freeze is available not only for Windows but also for Linux and Mac OS X. This program can really be helpful not just for office computers but also for home use. It can lessen computer repair costs by maintaining your system and restoring it every restart to its working state.

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