Anti virus - the best PC doctor
We can’t deny the fact that the number of computer users is increasing. These computers may be used in the workplaces, at schools and at homes. Simultaneously, the number of internet surfers increases. This is visible evidence that we are now living in a world of technology. Nevertheless, these so-called computer users ignore the possible consequences and other oncoming threats side by side. For instance, the viruses though they are not harmful at first, but eventually spread and multiplied and rule over the activities in the drive. One reason is that these computers are connected to the internet and so spreading the viruses is very fast.
Evidently companies and other people using computers are terrified about this trouble. And so, antivirus was created and programmed. Some of the anti viruses include firewall to completely protect the computer.
You have to buy anti virus and be installed as soon as you have seen some manifestations of the viruses in your computer such as: the structure of directory is damaged, the space of the disk reduces, disk is malfunctioned, file Allocation Tables (FAT) is damaged, and hard drive becomes noisy. Other manifestations are clearly defined and described below:
1. The number and the size of files increases
Since viruses are multiplied, they segregated the created new files with their own code however invisible. These codes are unavoidably attached to other legitimate files or executable files and gradually infect them.
2. Drive light glows unexpectedly
This symptom shows that viruses became rampant in all the activities in disk drive. These viruses control are called spyware infection. Consequently, the lights of the drive glow even you don’t access it. If this symptom is evident, your antivirus, in any way, can do something by performing a complete system scan.
3. Strange things are seen on the screen
Most visible evident if the computer s infected is that there is a strange image in the computer. For instance, you can see bouncing ball, rocking horse, or displaying animated pictures. Instead of displaying the message, the screen is often used for other activities because as what I said beforehand, they are designed to attack and infect the drive. Inevitably, these viruses have nothing to do but to create something odd and ridiculous. In this event, while busy doing those activities, these viruses are formatting your drive.
4. Date/Time Stamp of the file changes.
Obviously, when the computer is infected, the old date/time stamp of a file is not restored. It’s advisable to check every second.
To conclude, if you have any of these symptoms in your computer, take an smart action to prevent the infection by buying and running antivirus software in your computer.
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What do you think?
I think most virus is also made by an anti-virus company such norton, karspersky etc..