Are you prepared for the challenges in the workplace with your current skills in Information technology?
Have you ever thought about what would be our life if technology didn’t exist? Would our life be better? Or would it totally change our entire lifestyle? Obviously, the influx of technology in human race caused dramatic changes of the ways people live everyday. It was even foreseen how technology will have become prevalent by the early 2011 in workplaces not only in the United states but also in all over the world. Schools and other institutes prepare young generations to become more computer literate so as to cope with the rapid changing technology brought. Teaching students in view of computer literacy will help students be ready for the workforce.
In most modern approach, technology has been integrated into the curriculum for better and more efficient learning. Students are exposed to real world where in they can find any solution of every problem that they come across from their textbooks. They become creative in problem solving, research and even in every means of communication. They can build their own strategies more particularly in gathering information and by doing so; they can widen their perspective in life by relating these gathered data to their actual lives. Traditionally, we use the small group discussion or brainstorming when gathering ideas, insights, experiences as well as their speculations and intuitions in solving problems. And so therefore, these students are well-trained to work cooperatively, boost their interpersonal relationship and teamwork and are able to share their perspectives.
Every student must be given ample attention pampering their learning ways by giving them various technology resources so that they easily solve their problems. Among them are software programs, search engines, programs in graphing and so on. However, in these many kinds of situations, students must bear in mind, that not all information posted in the internet is accurate or reliable. In these events, students are required to use their creative and critical thinking by analyzing the data before proceeding to a decision-making. It is advisable for then not to rely on one site but rather compare it to other sources.
Nowadays, presentation in classes may vary from their skills and talents as well as their unique style. They can possibly choose from Powerpoint, web pages, brochures, and even movies with the utilization of technology. But how is it related to the preparation in the workplace? If students are given various choices in presenting their solution of a certain problem, they will possibly create their best ways in doing their tasks in their future-job in relation to technology.
To sum up this article, Technology has been the best tool used by the students in learning whether in classrooms or outside the classroom. Students are exposed to different choices in presenting the solution of the problem with the utilization of technology, in this connection; students are well-prepared for the workforce.
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