Cell phone Technology: What has made the diffirence on you?
I was teaching in my writing class when the topic being discussed was about technologies. During the brainstorming, one of my students said and I quote “my cell phone comprises computer technology? Partly I understood what he meant but it took time for me to make sense what really in his mind was. It maybe because of my age, I was a bit out-dated when it comes to cell phone technologies.
Traditionally, we know cell phones are used for calling and sending messages to our friends or relatives most specifically to inform or to inquire something but those ideas just scratch the surface meaning of cell phone and this interests me to write about cell phone technology.
Cell phones on the go are the handiest technology ever made. It is called mobile for it can be brought to wherever you go. It has been innovated drastically, and so therefore, cell phones are now multipurpose for they function for internet surfing, downloading, sending e-mail and the like. Apart from facilitating communication, cell phones are for multimedia purposes because you can see movies and videos, watch TV programs as well as listen to your favorite music. Cell phones in different kinds have unique applications such as ring tones, screensaver, background image, downloaded games, cameras, videos and voice recording. You might not be surprised when your cell phone is not the same to your friends, parents, siblings or even your classmates. Your choice may reflect to your personality.
For these reasons, it opens the gate to a worldwide marketplace for cell phone entrepreneurs and successful mobile vendors to put up a business from small cell phone shops to cell phone accessories which are undoubtedly sky-rocketing nowadays. This interested much among investors and businessmen to grab the opportunity not only to make million bucks but also to establish their business as well as their trade names in mobile industry.
It was then when I completely understand that cell phones are the most innovative and most convenient technology nowadays. The more consumers patronize the product, the more changes and alterations are made.

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