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CNCTC Articles - Excellence in IT TRAINING

Cloud Storage

by: Mon Peter I. Damiles | 27 Jul, 2013 07:19:06

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Most of you might not be familiar with cloud storage. Basically, cloud storage is like a hard drive but the only difference is you need to access it using the internet because is it stored in a server that could be located anywhere depending on the host. This is a new technology that could really be helpful especially for those who are always on the go. Using cloud storage is easy and could only take you about a minute to register an account. For those who will be asking if it’s free, some sites offer it free but mostly, you have to pay for it monthly for your usage or there would be a certain amount of storage that would be allocated for you depending on your plan.

Traditionally, we need to have a flash disk or an external hard disk for our files so that we could bring it wherever we go but with the new cloud storage, we could eliminate the use of the said devices and the only thing we need is to have an internet connection and a cloud storage account for access but is it safe? This is the question that popped into my mind when I heard about cloud storage.

Always remember that when you are connected to the internet, you are not 100% safe even if you do have the best antivirus or firewall in the world. What I’m trying to say here is that if you want to use cloud storage for files that are really important or even for business matter, better think twice. There are many good hackers that could really penetrate your files if they want to specially if they could gain money by breaking into it.

If you'll be using cloud technology for files that are not that important, that would be perfectly fine. You would not worry much if your account would be compromised. Technology improves from time to time and that’s why we must always remember that before using any technology, always research about it first or you could ask someone that is an expert on that field, this way you’ll be aware of any possibilities that might occur.

Personally, I do use cloud storage for some of my files that are not that important. I like the concept because it would really be hassle free but again, it will still depend on the person that would be using it. And lastly, I would like to remind you once more that there would always be a threat on your files when you are connected to the internet.

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