Common Problems Encountered in Upgrading to Windows 7
Most of us have difficulties working with Microsoft Vista because of it's performance capability and security restriction. That is why many users are upgrading their operating system to Windows 7.
In this article I will discuss the common problems that are usually encountered during the process of upgrading the operating system. These are the problems that I encountered while doing mine and how I deal to it.
The discussion will be focusing on three common problems during the software upgrade. These are frequent reboot problem, suspension of installation process and product key error.
Before we go on with the discussion, I suggest that you connect first your computer terminal to the Internet. As we troubleshoot the problems encountered, we might need to download information over the Internet.
First, we will discuss suspension of installation process. Most likely this is the first problem that you will encounter while upgrading to Windows 7 from Vista. During the installation process everything goes smooth. Actually you wouldn't even notice that the installation already hang-up. The problem occurs when you reach 62 percent of the installation. This is because of the "Iphlpsvc," maybe because it stops responding during the installation.
Alright, let us fix this problem.
The best solution for this problem is to download MICROSOFTFIXIT50319 from Microsoft web site and install it. This will automatically fix the error. All you have to do is to follow the wizard. I assure you everything will be fixed in a minute.
However you can also fix it on your own. To do this, you need to restart the computer. When it loads again, click on Start, right click on Computer and select Properties. On the Properties Window, click Advanced, Environment variables, then System variables, New. Under the Variable name field, type MIG_UPGRADE_IGNORE_PLUGINS. In the 'Variable value' field, type IphlpsvcMigPlugin.dll. Click OK button. When done, start again the installation.
Isn't easy? Next we will discuss the nonstop request for rebooting the computer system.
This is the most common and irritating problem during upgrade from Vista. The bug is causing the computer system to reboot and to display error message saying that Windows 7 could not be installed and the previous software (Windows Vista) has been restored. As a user you will restart your computer. When the computer loads up, it will begin the upgrade process again and the same error will be displayed on your screen and you will restart your computer. This will just go on and on.
To fix this problem, simply follow these steps:
1. Select Vista from boot menu during start-up
2. Insert your Vista installer disc on your optical drive. Once the Windows Vista menu will be displayed on your screen, exit the set-up
3. Click Start>All Programs>Accessories. Right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator
4. On the Command Prompt window, type D:\boot\Bootsect.exe /NT60 All (I assume D is your optical drive). This will reset the boot limit for the system.
5. Restart the computer and start the installation again.
Lastly is the invalid product key error when you try to install an upgrade of Windows 7 edition on a new formatted computer. Remember that you can only install any upgrade software edition in a computer with existing software say Windows XP. In case that upgrade installation failed to find existing software on your computer it will tell you that the product key is invalid. Windows 7 upgrade requires Vista with Service Pack 1 and XP with Service Pack 3 before you start upgrading your unit.
Quite easy, very simple and practical isn't it?
If there would be other problems that you might encounter. I suggest that you browse the official site of Microsoft for further details and technical support.

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