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Common symptoms when your computer was infected by viruses or Trojans

by: Melissa Reyes | 08 Jun, 2010 20:40:37

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Is your computer protected? Or Is your computer infected with viruses? In this event, what remedy comes first to your mind? Let say, you haven’t installed any anti-virus software yet, what will you do? Basically, the antivirus software probes malicious programs that have found the door and run to your computer. Are you aware of what’s going on? So that you don’t deserve criticism for being ignorant, here are some clues:

1. The space of the disk reduces

Without any cause, the free space of the disk reduces because the viruses multiply themselves once the computer was turned on and began to access. These viruses code firmly attached to other programs that are available and running on the system. As a result, the size of the file increases and eventually reduces the space on your disk drive. On your part, this might be surprising!

2. The structure of directory is damaged

We often come across with unpleasant or incorrect files that are displayed on the screen. Why? This is because the viruses damage the structure of directory so as to achieve duplication.

3. File Allocation Tables (FAT) is damaged

Every Microsoft Operating Systems uses FAT in every disk to store all data to be recorded. It is basically known as a file record of computer’s disk. However, due to the existence of viruses, they can possibly damage the FAT. As a consequence, you will easily lose some data or information being stored. This data management system can be attacked by the viruses any time

4. Disk is malfunctioned

Since viruses are designed to attack and destroy, they have been keen observer to all the activities of the disk, once the disk is accessed; it is likely to damage and eventually malfunctioned. This is generally first seen if the disk slows down its operations.

5. Hard drive becomes noisy

Do you wonder if your computer creates noise or strange sound. When the viruses found their target and finally destroyed and infected, this triggers the disk to rotate and work overtime, in this manner, the drive makes sound. Defragment is the best solution in case this symptom is manifested.

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