Computer preventive maintenance guide
Disk Defragmenter - Defragging your disks could help speed up your computer by rearranging files on your disk.
Registry cleaner program - Installing a registry cleaner program could help your computer run faster by fixing your registry.
Cleaning your case - Once in a while, it would be a good idea to clean your case in order to clear dusts for better airflow. One of the very reasons why a computer overheats is that the heat dissipated by the components couldn't go out because of a dirty case. While cleaning your case, you could also try managing your wires properly. It would also result to a better airflow for your case. Adding an additional fan could also help a lot.
Uninstall unneeded programs - If there would be programs on your... computer that is not being used already, it would be better to uninstall it to free some space on your drive.
Physically check your hardware components - It is also important to check your components every now and then to make sure that they are still in good condition. Check for any abnormalities on your components like bloated capacitors, any signs of burned parts or anything that doesn't look normal.
Update your drivers - For everything to run smoothly, make sure that your devices are receiving updated drivers.
Scanning your disks for viruses - Having an antivirus is a must for your computer. Scanning your computer for viruses regularly would be important.
Back up your files - Backing up your files is one way of making sure that your files are perfectly safe. It would be best to back up your files on an external drive or burn it to a DVD.
Computers are not cheap and that is why we must know how to take good care of it in order for it to last longer. You don't need to be a computer geek for you to maintain a computer; it is pretty much simple and easy. Just always remember that if you are not sure with what you are doing, ask someone who does to prevent any problems or damages.
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