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Do you abuse technology? Test Yourself

by: Tesa Mari S. Sabao | 31 Mar, 2011 11:21:16

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Thanks to technology, life became comfortable. People became more efficient on tasks and errands from home, work, and everything in between. Sadly, these advantages are often abused by people. If you think you’re not guilty, continue reading. You’d be surprised once you read how people abuse technology.   

1. Using multimedia in posting and sending spam and unethical files. If you’re frequently online, you probably received several spam emails with either advertisement, or link to initiate a virus. You may also have posted or received nasty comments out of anger and stress. If not, then you’ve probably heard the news about celebrities’ online quarrels like the so called “twitter war”, or the scandalous sex videos. These are only some of the ways how people abuse internet and multimedia, which results to lose of morale in our society. Unfortunately, the current laws aren’t updated to conform to this worsening problem. Hence, you should take the responsibility of upholding what is right, and take the precautionary measures to protect yourself as well.

2. Using techie gadgets while in a task that needs attention. Texting while driving, calling while walking, and taking conversation while net surfing, are only some of the ways people mishandle gadgets in their quest to multi-task, which leads to accidents and miscommunication. Like for instance, it annoys me whenever I talk to my sister and she still faces the computer monitor. I’ve tried to say it to her, but she still does the same having the perception that she manages to still give enough attention to our conversation. The next day, I’ve done same thing to her. And finally, she got my point. It’s certainly unethical not to face and listen attentively when you’re in a conversation.

3. Sleeping with communication gadgets on. I admit. I’m guilty of bringing my cellphone to bed when I’m about to sleep. Admit it… most likely, you do the same thing too with the hopes of never losing an important text or call. Apparently, this reason is not heavy enough to sacrifice a good night sleep, which your body needs. Remember that you need to recharge your body for tomorrow’s tasks.

I’ve seen people nowadays who count on Microsoft Word’s feature to check grammar and spelling. As a result, they’re losing the chance of practicing their skills. Some even rely too much on internet for researches, copy-paste information without even reading them. With the abundance of resources and gadgets, it’s so easy for people to rely too much on technology even on chores that doesn’t need it, and sadly, even on things that would lose technology’s value and purpose.

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