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E-banking, banking made easy and convenient

by: Mon Peter I. Damiles | 30 Aug, 2012 21:58:08

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We are all aware that every moment, our technology is getting better and better. Technology is being used and utilized for our convenience. One of the proofs of convenience from technology is what they call “e-banking” which means that you could easily access your bank account anywhere at any time.

Years back, we don’t have any choice but to go to the bank to transact but because of the advancement of technology; banking now could be done at the convenience of our home’s 24/7. In banking online, you could check your balance easily which means that you don’t need to go out anymore just to check if your salary was already credited. You could also transfer funds from your account to another without having to manually do it by going to a bank or an atm. One of the best things that you could do in banking online is its feature to pay bills online. In paying your bills online, you just need to enter your account number and the amount that you want to pay and that’s it. They even have this feature that would automatically pay your bills at a specific time that you prefer which could eliminate forgetting to pay your electric bill or your mobile phone line .E-banking is really easy and convenient  but is it really safe? In this article, I’ll be sharing some tips on how to make sure that your accounts are safe.  

In making passwords for your online banking accounts, make sure that it will be different from your usual passwords and as much as possible, don’t tell it to others. Usually, besides from the login password/pin there is also a transaction password needed. This transaction password is different from your pin and will be used if ever you want to transfer money to other accounts or if you want to pay something. This is an additional security feature by banks.

As much as possible, never open your accounts in public computers especially in internet cafes. In public computers, you are not sure if there would be any key loggers or any programs that could easily get your passwords. The site might be secured but the computer might be not. I would really advise using your own computers so that you don’t have to worry about any key loggers or password extracting programs.

As an added security feature, your account could be automatically blocked if ever you’ll be entering a wrong pin for a couple of times. If ever your account will be blocked, you could ask your bank for details on how to unblock it again.

Banking online is really hassle free and is really convenient. Just always remember that when you are online, you are not 100% safe. Bottom line is that you need to always take extra precautions especially with these kinds of transactions.

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