File Management Tips for Your Computers
Many of you might already experience having a hard time looking for files on your desktop. There might be the search function that could help you though sometimes, you still need to look for it manually. I personally experienced having some problems in searching a certain file before. I don’t have any choice but to look for it on every single folder available. Searching a certain file makes it more difficult especially if you forgot the filename. In order to eliminate the searching problem, the best way is to properly organize your files and folders. This way, all files would be easier to access. In this article, I’ll be sharing some tips on how you could arrange your files properly.
Create different folders for different users – If you use a single computer with many users, make sure to create your own folder so that no one would mess around with your files.
Create several folders for different file types – This is advisable especially in offices. You should not combine files with different file types. For example, you should not mix your word documents from your excel documents.
Create a partition – Creating a partition means that you could split your hard drive into two or more for better management. I personally use this one. I partitioned by drive into four so that I could separate the system drive, games, downloads and documents. This way, it would be easier for me.
Secure your files – Make sure to secure your files especially those important ones by putting passwords on it. This is advisable when the computer you are using also has different users. This would eliminate deletion or editing of files without your permission.
Organizing your files and folders saves time and also your disk space. It saves your time because you don’t need to search for every folder anymore because you already know which folder you saved it which makes it easier and faster for you. It saves you disk space because you don’t need to save your files on a different folder again. Personally, I experienced consuming huge amount of disk space because of duplicate files but after fixing and deleting the duplicates, my hard disk space was replenished.
Fixing your files won’t take too much of your time but it would help you a lot. An organized computer looks good compared to those whose files are just scattered on their desktop.

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