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by: Cresencio Daffon Jr. | 14 Dec, 2010 22:38:51

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I’m sure there are a lot of ways you’re thinking about to enhance the features and quality of using your Window Explorer, but you can’t do anything since you don’t have the right and authority to do program modifications. Well, you don’t have to keep on thinking and conceive things beyond your capability because I have the right answer to your questions.

You may try FilerFrog if you want to improve the way you look on Windows Explorer, that is if you’re Windows. FilerFrog offers various features that suit your needs as an add-in for Explorer. FilerFrog should appear on the context menu after you right-click a folder or a file which will give you full access to folder-management and different varieties of new files.

To give you a heads up, FilerFrog can assist you if you want to manage your images better and can give you options more than you’re looking for which can be handy in case you would be needing such things in the future. Through FilerFrog, you can create a customized image album of yours and you can also modify the size of your images. With FilerFrog, you can also decrypt and encrypt files for your own privacy. On the other hand, if you like to change the name of one big cluster of files all in one sitting, FilerFrog can save you time doing it in just seconds. Also, FilerFrog’s best features include copying and moving files double-the-time faster than the way it used before, and has the ability to rejoin and split files for you.

For sure, you’ll find striking changes with FilerFrog’s updated program if happens to be that you have used its earlier versions. The good news with the new FilerFrog program is that it is free of charge whether you use it for business or for personal purposes because this is available for those people who are seeking programs which can enhance their use of Windows Explorer but don’t like to spend even a single dime. Another thing to take note is that FilerFrog can also work for Windows 7 OS users. In addition, other functions include which cannot allow menu icons to display on some systems because varieties of bugs were already fixed.               

Now with FilerFrog, you can also change the last time the file was modified, the last time the file was accessed, and the date a file was created. You may also put on an image the logo of your company if you wish to with this new version of FilerFrog. You may give this updated program of FilerFrog a try if you looking to do more with Windows Explorer like splitting and managing files, or even more than that.

Please remember an important fact that this software comes with two bit versions such as 32-bit and 64-bit. What we’re talking about is intended for 32-bit version. One piece of advice, if you’re personal computer is running 64-bits to either Vista or XP, you may download the version for 64-bits otherwise.

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