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GPS in the Philippines

by: Mon Peter I. Damiles | 15 Feb, 2011 09:58:52

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                I happen to write this article because I know that driving without knowing where to go is quite a challenge for most drivers, so having a GPS device can really help drivers to reach their destinations faster and easier.

To start it off, what is a GPS? GPS stands for Global Positioning System according to , it was originally made for the militaries in the USA, however, it was made available for ordinary people during the 1980s to present. It was very useful for travelers around the world because you could make use of it anytime as long as there is a GPS signal available and you don’t have to worry especially when you get lost in an area where you don’t have much knowledge about. (

 In order for a GPS to work faster, it needs 2 to 3 satellites that give out GPS signal. In the Philippines there is only 1 satellite for GPS, according to what I’ve researched, it is called AGILA2. It is not quite clear if the GPS system here in our country is accurate or not. I guess it depends on your GPRS receivers/ devices. The Garmin GPS III plus (old model) is said to be accurate in terms of street locations.

The said devices are commonly used by cars to navigate the country with the help of this device. This device will help you reach your destination faster because of its function that can compute the shortest way to your destination. The newer models of the said devices are now equipped with voice prompt. It means that while you are driving, there will be a voice that will help you by instructing you when and where you will turn.

GPS here in the Philippines is not like in other countries where they rely on the said device to reach their destinations. GPS in our country is not yet that reliable which makes it not so famous in the Philippines. GPS here has slower response which may be bad especially if your speed is faster than usual which can result for you to miss your turn. Missing your turn can be so hassle especially when the next turn is so far which can burn time and gasoline.

The said devices here in the Philippines can be very useful but it must be improved first so that it will be much more reliable and accurate.

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