Guide to a Successful Job Interview: What to Do When You Receive Call Invite for Job Interview (Part 1)
The journey to become successful in a job interview starts when you receive the call or message inviting you for a job interview. Many people have the wrong perception that it’s already sure to have the job once you’re called for an interview. Don’t get caught to this common pitfall. If you want to succeed in a job interview, start working on it. Here are some guides on what to do when you’re invited for an interview.
1. Acknowledge the company or person calling you for interview. When you’ve submitted an application letter, expect that you’ll receive a call. Hence, keep your communication lines open. When someone calls you, be polite and acknowledge the caller. If the caller claims that he or she is a representative of the company you applied, ask for his or her name and position in the company. It is to confirm if he or she is indeed a representative of the company, and not just a phony. Be vigilant considering job scams are everywhere. Nevertheless, maintain politeness in asking for validating details.
2. Recall if you indeed applied for the job. As I’ve said earlier, there are a lot of job scams going on. And so, you have to become careful. When someone calls you claiming he or she is a representative of a company where you applied, recall if you indeed applied for the said company. You may have applied to several companies. But if you’ve become picky in applying for companies, you’d easily remember the name of the company. Moreover, you can check your email’s sent box to check online resume submissions.
3. Know the time and place of interview. Once you’ve validated the calling company’s identity, know the time and place of interview. Ask for directions if you don’t the place. If you’ll commute, you can ask what kind of transportation vehicles are near the area. Assess also the time you’ll spent in going to the place of interview to know if you can arrive on time. Don’t be ashamed of asking. You wouldn’t want to arrive in a wrong place or become late for your job interview.
4. Know the requirements. Determine the things and documents that you have to bring. Ask how many copies of resume you should give. Make sure you’ve listed all the necessary documents and things along with their required quantities that you have to prepare for the job application. To avoid hassles, it is always advised to bring extra. Avoid destination pit stops to complete your requirements before you arrive on the place of interview. Save yourself from stress and problems in time for an important career move. Next>>>
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