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How to format a computer and install Windows XP for beginners

by: Megan B. Bolivar | 23 Sep, 2010 18:25:22

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Do you have the guts to mess with your computer? if yes i will teach you how to format your computer nice and easy. You dont need to go to a computer repair shop and let the computer technician format your computer and then lose some money for the service rendered to your Personal computer. You might also end up spending alot of money than you least expected because if you end up with a unscrupulous computer technician he might tell you to replace your hard disk even though your hard disk is working very well he might tell you that your computer can not be formatted anymore and that you need to buy one then he will offer you to buy his discounted hard drive. You may never know but this kind of situation sometimes happens.

Now here is the step by step instruction on how to format your computer well, even though you lack the technical knowledge to do this I am pretty sure that you can pull this up. you just have to be smart all the time :) You might want to read this What you need to do before you format your Computer or this When to format and Why you need to format a computer before you proceed

Step 1: Set your First boot device to CDROM go to CMOS Setup by powering your computer up then when you see the press DEL instruction, Press del at once. You will be directed to the CMOS Management setup of your computer. Go to Advanced Setup and find the FIRST BOOT DEVICE entry change the value to CDROM use the + and - key to change the value. then press F10 to save and exit CMOS setup. If your computer's first boot device is set to CDROM by factory default skip this step.

Step 2. As soon as the computer restarts. Eject your CDROM drive and insert your Windows XP installation CD as fast as you can, A message  “Press any key to boot from CD..”  will be displayed, do what it says press any key to boot then Windows XP Setup installation will start and a blue screen will appear saying Windows installation files are loading just wait until it finishes loading the setup files.

Step 3
. After loading all the necessary installation files Accept User License Agreement screen will appear read it if you want or simply press F8 to accept and continue.

Step 4. A Windows XP Welcome installation window will be displayed then you will be prompted with 3 selections. The first option is to setup windows XP now the second option is Repair windows XP installation using Recovery console and the last option is Quit WIndows XP installation.

Select the first option and then press enter.  you will be asked to repair your previous Windows XP installation If the system detects your previously installed windows xp, Do not repair it skip this repair recommendation because we are going to format our hard disk and instal a fresh copy of WIndows XP

Step 5. You will be prompted with the details of all partitions installed on your hard disk, Delete all existing partitions by selecting the partition using your up or down arrow key then pressing the "d" key to delete, do it all over again for all the remaining partitions. If your hard drive is new of course it doent have any  partition so just skip this procedure

Step 6. Create a new partition, You can create 1 or more partitions for your computer if you have a massive sized hard drive you can create multiple partition if not you can create a single partition. Now create a partition in the unpartitioned space by pressing the "c" key you will be prompted to enter the size of the partition, accept the default value to create a single partition if you want to create multiple partition just enter the value eg. 50% then press enter

Step 7. Format the hardisk partition for windows XP. The next screen will prompt you to format your hard drive using the NTFS file system or the FAT file system. Select the NTFS file system (quick) for faster formatting and to benefit from the file and folder security of the NTFS file system.

Setup will now format the drive and then copies all the installation files to your harddisk. It will take a while to copy all the files. Once finished copying the computer will restart and proceeds to the GUI (Graphical User Interface) installation mode. You will be prompted to enter some information like name and organization etc.. and then asking you to enter your WIndows XP license key wait untill the installation is finished and then auto restarts again for the final boot up.

Step 8. It is finished, You have successfully formatted and installed a fresh copy of WIndowx XP Operating system on your computer.

The next thing to do is to install all your motherboard drivers and other peripheral or add on devices such as your TV tuner, blue tooth devices, printer drivers, etc and then install your favorite anti virus software to prevent viruses from infecting your computer. after installing your anti virus software. Install all software that were installed before you format your computer.

If you run into problems doing all the procedures i mentioned just post your question below and i will gladly answer it for you.

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good morning i change my 512memoryddr2 to 1gig ddr2 same no. 667 but my computer its showing still 512ddr2 memory my os window xp 32bits but my mother board 2gig capable. i hope you can solve my problem and thank you

@ruel santos

try to go to your computers CMOS Setup and check how much memory is loaded into your computer. if you see 512MB maybe you did not install your memory module into your computer properly. Remove and resit your memory again press it firmly

Good Day!I lost my mother board driver etc...How & where can i get some...???Thanks!!!

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