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CNCTC Articles - Excellence in IT TRAINING

How to Remove a Computer Virus

by: Megan B. Bolivar | 04 Jun, 2011 06:48:39

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Removing a computer virus from your computer can sometimes be easy and sometimes hard. It really depends on the type of virus that infects your computer.

One of the common viruses that infects a computer is the computer worm virus. This type of virus infects one computer in a network and then crawls and infects other computers that are connected to your Local Area Network.

Computer worm virus can render your netwok inoperable by clogging your network with tons of data traffic, When too many data is passing through your network your network becomes too slow and will eventually collapse when the network can not handle the data traffic anymore.

You can follow these steps on how to remove a computer worm virus in your computer

  1. Disconnect your computer from the Local Area Network You need to do this because as i have told you worms crawls your network and infects every computer it finds.
  2. Determine what specific worm virus is infecting your computer. You can do this by updating your antivirus first and then running it to your computer.
  3. If your antivirus software detects the worm virus and removes it then its done no worries now. But if its unable to remove it then go ahead go to next step.
  4. Write down the name of the worm virus which was detected in step 2 Try to google the worm virus find out if there is a better way to remove the worm virus there might be a dedicated virus removal tool made specifically for the worm virus that is infecting your computer. If there is one then download it and apply it to your computer
  5. If all of the above mentioned steps failed. Then you can manually delete the worm virus from your computer. Delete all reference of the worm virus from your computer registry and Startup folder and then find and delete the core virus program from your hard drive.

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