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CNCTC Articles - Excellence in IT TRAINING

In Focus: Remote Desktop Soft ware

by: Vianca C. Villar | 05 Feb, 2010 05:25:47

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My first encounter with this kind software was during one of our conference calls with our offshore clients whereby we were able to share desktops, files and presentation material direct from abroad. The next instance was with IT personnel who were troubleshooting my computer from his station via a remote desktop tool helping me pull up an application I was trying to use. It was absorbing to sit and watch as my mouse moved around the screen without any of my fingers touching the keyboard.

It makes one realize how amazing today's technology is giving way to the creation of such software.  Let's dig a little bit deeper about this tool and know a few more fascinating facts about it.

For someone who is constantly on the go mobility of files needed is a necessity whether for office or personal use.  The remote desktop software made it easy for a business owner to fix a client's computer without having to go to the customer's place; an employee to transfer data or submit a business proposition or a work-related report to his boss or colleagues instead of sending e-mails or using a USB drive; and or someone who does not want  to carry his laptop for fear of confidential information being taken or stolen to remotely tap into his own computer to another PC to access important programs or files. 

The remote desktop software is practically for anyone who requires the ease and convenience of transporting documents or files at any location minus the weight of carrying a portable PC without having to send e-mails or even use a USB device.

Not only does it allow the sharing of files but it also has some other remarkable features you may want to know. It includes:  Audio Support- this allows music to be played on a local computer's attached speakers via audio signals or hardware sound control being transferred through networking.  Provided that your software has audio support capability it can play on the remote computer as if it were from that source; Built-in Encryption: - encrypts data from the source and remote computers enabling remote accessibility of files; and Seamless Window - this makes it possible for the application to run on the local or source computer and only the application shown on the remote one.  Therefore, it gives an impression of the application running on the remote computer.

    There are currently a number of remote desktop soft wares available online.  Experts suggest that you go for its trial version to check if the software will work on your computer and fit for your use.  I even came across a version of this tool that shows you a demo on how it can be configured on your PC. Also, you need to take note of the IP address for it permits the local computer to network or communicate with the remote one.

Certain remote desktop soft wares can also be downloaded specific for Microsoft, Apple, Mac, Linux and even Blackberry.  However, if you need help in picking the right remote desktop tool then you may consider popular choices identified on a website offering product security and reliability. They are: Symantec pcAnywhere; GoToMyPC; RealVNC; LogMeIn Free and Pro; and Laplink Gold 2008

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