Microsoft, The new owner of Nokia
Nokia was known for their "User Friendly" mobile phones back then. At that time, Nokia's competitors are Samsung and Motorola. I remember having my very first mobile phone, the Nokia 3210 which became one of the most famous mobile phones of Nokia a decade ago. Almost all mobile phone designs and features of Nokia back then attracted consumers but after several years of being on top, Nokia wasn't able to sustain their position because consumers are now choosing other brands instead of Nokia.
In this present time, Android and IOS phones are the only two competing for the top spot on the market which leaves Nokia out of the picture. Nokia's Lumia which is powered by Windows wasn't able to catch the attention of consumers. It would be very seldom nowadays that... you'll be seeing consumers who prefer using Nokia phones rather than an Android or an IOS device. If a survey will be conducted, I'm pretty sure that majority of mobile phone owners are using either an Android phone or an IOS device by Apple.
For those who are not aware, this is not the very first company that Microsoft bought. Just a few years back, Microsoft also bought Skype for around $8 Billion. It also acquired several companies like the Winternals Software, aQuantive, Fast Search & Transfer and more.
In this case, it would be really interesting to see what Microsoft would do to boost Nokia's sales. There would be a big possibility that Microsoft would be renaming Nokia's products though that wouldn't be enough. They must really come up with something that could get the attention of the consumers.
This might already be the end of the line for Nokia and the start of something new for Microsoft. It would really be a challenge for them to be able to produce something that could help them regain their spot on the market. It will be hard for them but it is not impossible. Microsoft is still Microsoft and they still have the potential to earn the top spot.

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