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CNCTC Articles - Excellence in IT TRAINING

Procedures On Setting Up PC Multiple Users

by: Cresencio Daffon Jr. | 19 Dec, 2010 21:59:21

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If you like to always track both your next month’s budget allocation and next week’s work plan of action, and to keep homework and photos in order, you need to follow the procedures in setting up multiple users on your personal computer.

Procedures to follow:

  • To fire start the process you may click Control Panel after clicking Windows Orb to open the Start Menu.


  • You may click the icon that shows two virtual people tagged as User Accounts if you are on the Classic View mode. Under the heading User Accounts and Family Safety you may click Add or remove user accounts if the control panel you’re using is Windows 7 and Vista compatible. Doing these process will lead you to the screen of Manage Accounts that allow modification of user accounts by changing access settings and adding password.


  • Under the large box displaying the current users, you may click the Create a new account text.


  • Give an appropriate name to label the new account which exactly illustrates its purpose. You can segregate one account from another by categorizing it through its label and you can also create several types of accounts according to use and related fields.


  • You may choose whichever account type you like, whether it may be an Admin Account or Standard Account. Remember the following points: Admin Accounts verifies password to protect the system from unwanted changes, while Standard Account is enable to install, access, and remove programs but no modifications can be done for your computer’s security.


  • While you are on the Manage Accounts screen, you may add a password to the account by selecting the desired account. You may enter the right info in the boxes given after clicking Create a password. Now, to complete the entire procedure you must click the Create Password button.


There you have it! These are just simple procedures to follow when you are adding more users on your personal computer. Doing so you can keep track of the tasks proposed for future uses and many different fields of your choice. You may also select which category or type you want to retrieve by using security measures to protect a program. After doing each process respectively, you can be sure of the smooth flow of data in place on each user without the hassles of disorganized files. You can now work with confidence that nobody else can access your own programming and at the same time your files will be secured in one place.

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