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Quick Networking Pointers: How NOT to LOSS Your Reliable Career Connections (Part 4)

by: Tesa Mari S. Sabao | 16 Mar, 2011 11:42:01

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14.   Develop a good connection with people in your network. In short, make friends with your career connections. Develop a true friendship. This way your connection will stand trials and misunderstandings, which is common in every relationship. Misunderstandings are common, simply because you are unique and different from others. Nevertheless, friends will accept and value the bond that ties you.

15.   Keep the competitions inside only the office. With the stiff competition in the industry, it is not surprising why there are many quarrels arise at workplaces. Yes, competition is good considering it will challenge you to become better. But if the career race is already a source of personal grudge, then it’s the start of destruction. This is because you are now thinking of ruining instead of becoming productive. Just keep the competition inside the office. People will insist in becoming your career ally if you’re energized positively.

16.   Know how to sugar coat your statements when you seek help. Learn the art of asking for help. Become polite and tell your current situation. Provide options for solutions on how the person may help you, and how each will improve your situation. Tell also what would happen if in case you can’t get any help, and your limitations why you can’t solve the problem alone. This way career connections will be more than willing to help you, knowing you’re doing all your efforts to help yourself as well.

17.   Don’t give copies of your resume to everyone. If you want a lasting career alliance, don’t give copies of your all-in-one resume. Simply because it will just annoy your friends nagging every one of them to find you a job. It’s definitely a minus on your morale as you appear to be desperate. If you’re looking for a job, simply inform your career connections of your situation and your preference. They’d be more than willing to help once they find something suitable for you. Moreover, it will also save your chances in getting the job considering there’s no such thing as “all-in-one resume”. Resumes should be customized according to the job vacancy you’re after.

18.   Don’t play damsel in distress whenever you need help. Never ask for too much. You should be doing efforts in helping yourself rather than waiting for an ultimate solution. Remember, your career connections aren’t superheroes and you aren’t Cinderella. People will only avoid you, if you’ll keep on making your problem the trending topic of the day. Next>>>

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