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CNCTC Articles - Excellence in IT TRAINING

Quick Networking Pointers: How to Get Reliable Career Connections (Part 1)

by: Tesa Mari S. Sabao | 16 Mar, 2011 11:36:22

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With the tough competition nowadays, you’ll need all the help that you can get. As they say, “No man is an island”. This saying is a naked truth in every career. Admit it or not, you’ll need connections. You can use it from job hunting, info searching, career promotions, to getting expert advice. To help you out, here are comprehensive and relevant tips in getting career connections.

1. Get to know people on seminars and other events. Attending seminars and trainings are beneficial to your career. This is not only because you can learn new skills and knowledge, but also because career trainings and seminars are the best places to meet new friends and career connections. Hence, never miss the chance of attending career related events. If you can have the privilege of being the speaker, grab it. Doing it right will draw people to you.

2. Never miss fun events outside the office. Don’t feel guilty whenever you go out with officemates. Believe it or not, going out can be a career move. You can meet new career connections while having fun outside office. Have in mind, people in same industry most probably share common lifestyle. More or less, you share same interest and way of exhausting office pressure. So you see, it’s fine to go out once in a while. Grab every chance of meeting people and new connections.

3. Always keep yourself good looking and clean. If you want to create a good impression in meeting new career connections, take care of your appearance. You don’t have to look like a celebrity. As long as you know how to dress well and you’re clean, you’d gain a good start in encouraging people to trust you as a new career ally. Watch your hygiene especially your breathe. No one would stand talking to you, if you have bad breathe. Carry a hygiene kit wherever you go. Bring mouthwash, toothbrush and toothpaste, comb, and face powder or anything that could remove face oil. For girls, you can bring lipstick and make up to brighten up your face. Just keep the color at minimum. It might create bad impression instead of good, if you overdo the coloring. Next>>>

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