Receive and send SMS using your computer
send and receive text messages directly on your computer.
This application might be new for you but it is already possible. Some of you might have heard it already but most of you might not. The application that could be used to sync your phone on your computer is called "MySMS". The said application is capable of using your computer to send and receive messages. Just imagine the convenience that will give you if you are working on your laptop and somebody texted you and you could already reply using your laptop.
Personally, I have tried this program and installed it on my android phone and I can say that it works well. I do use it while I am on my laptop and even if my phone is inside my room, I could still receive notifications. It is very simple... and easy to use. Just make sure that your laptop and your smart phone is connected to the same network. If you want to try it also, you could download the app from their website. The instructions are also there to guide you in installing and configuring the said program.
Besides the ability of sending and receiving text messages, the program is also capable of notifying if ever someone is calling you. The program also syncs all your contacts so that you do not need to type it the number every time you send SMS to somebody. The program also syncs your call logs from your phone into your computer.
Many of you might be using Windows as your operating system but the said program is not limited to Windows users. Mac users also have the power to install the app and sync it to their smart phones.
For IT professionals and for those who are working for long hours on a computer, the said program is a must have for you guys especially if you are anticipating a very important call or message. This way, you would be directly prompted and it will flash on your screen if ever a message or a call is available.

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