Search Engine Optimization: On Opposite Perspective of Readers and Writers
Are you wondering how search engines provide sites in just a click of search button? The basis why these web pages are listed among others using specific keywords is the Search Engine Optimization or SEO. For example, a writer or page creator wants his page visible for a topic about Oracle. He will then provide keywords pertaining to Oracle that will make his page detectable to search engines. However due to different objectives of webmasters, readers should be aware of how Search Engine Optimization is used to utilize it on their advantage.
Different Purposes of Using Search Engine Optimization
Sites or web pages are search engine optimized for different purposes. Here are they:
- Market service or product
- Earn on pay-per-click advertisements
- Be visible on the industry and gain credibility
- Share facts and information, insights and thoughts
A site or web page, yet, may have more than one purpose. Some share knowledge and expertise to gain market and at the same time credibility in their industry. Making money using internet is common nowadays, and there’s no reason why a creator would not engage in every way they would benefit on their sites and pages.
Search Engine Optimization and Information Reliability
The number sites and pages continuously increase even now you’re reading. With the convenience and easiness of creating sites and pages, it is not surprising why many junks clutter internet at the moment. A fact that makes hard for readers to find reliable information and a truth that makes each writer earn trust.
Nevertheless, this shouldn’t make us discouraged in using web. Google and other search engine entities create ways in eliminating net trashes. Guidelines and rules are made out to ensure World Wide Web’s power is not being abused. Sites and pages proven to violate these regulations are blacklisted. Still, these efforts will be more effective if governments will cooperate. Laws should be made regulating the proper use of internet to hold liable those who exploit World Wide Web.
Indeed, technology is a two edged sword, which can be used either in good or bad intents. The situation hands over the option to readers to test out credibility of what they are reading, and the responsibility to writers in providing factual statements and harmless insights. Search Engine Optimization is only one of the many applications of internet that requires right handling. Awareness on these technology applications becomes a must, as it affects almost everyone these days.

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