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CNCTC Articles - Excellence in IT TRAINING

Simple Tips on How to Test Internet Connection

by: Tesa Mari S. Sabao | 30 May, 2011 08:39:20

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Do you usually encounter “connection has timed out” in your computer screen? If you are having same trouble with your computer’s internet connection, it is probably time to call your ISP provider. However, take these simple tips first for you to have a valid data for your complaint. Here are the simple steps on how to test your internet connection.

Know the internet speed with the package you subscribed. This is for you to have a basis in testing the speed of your internet. Usually, internet packages comes in cheap 512 Kbps, 1 Mbps, 2 Mbps, 3 Mbps, to expensive 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps.

Test your internet speed. Go to The website offers convenience in testing your internet speed. You just have to click the link “begin test” to start testing your internet connection. When the test is done, the results will appear instantly- the download speed and the upload speed in units of Mbps (megabytes per second).

Compare the actual internet speed to your subscribed internet speed. Is your subscribed internet speed in Mbps (1 Mbps is equal to 1000 Kbps) different from the download speed, and from the upload speed? Most likely, it will be different. Simply, it is because ISP providers offer maximum attainable internet speed and not constant internet speed. Internet speeds are not constant. They differ according to how much people are there using internet in your area.

Aside from traffic, there are other factors such as your pc performance. Nevertheless, you have to compare how much you get in actual to know if your monthly expenses are worth it. Divide your actual internet speed by your subscribed internet speed, and multiply it by 100. The result of this computation is the proportion of what you get in actual compared to your ISP provider’s promised internet speed. At least you should get 70% to 100%.

If you are only getting 50% of the internet you subscribed most of the day, check the networking and sharing settings of your computer. Make sure, your pc is not restraining your internet speed. Call your ISP provider. Send them the results of your tests. They will be more obliged to help you.

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