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CNCTC Articles - Excellence in IT TRAINING

Simple Tips to Safe Transactions Online (Part 2)

by: Tesa Mari S. Sabao | 28 Feb, 2011 13:40:39

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4. Rely only on valid references, not on what other people claims. As I’ve said earlier, scammers clutter the web with false praises about them. They even hire people to write blogs about them. Some also **** people to dignify them using false promises. Have you encountered a website or an application that obliges you to praise and comment in exchange of a fake exchange? If yes, then you’ve been used. Hence, don’t instantly rely on comments and good write ups especially if these are payable. Don’t worry if you can’t find an absolute reliable source. When searching online for background checks, look for negative comments instead of good ones. You’ll most likely find out the truth by hearing out both negative and positive comments. If not, it’ll give you a lead.

5. Ask for reliable contact details aside from email. After you’ve validated the person’s identity and didn’t find stains on her or his credibility, ask for her or his reliable contact details and whereabouts. It can be her or his office and home landline number. Don’t be contented with mobile numbers considering they’re easily replaced without a trace. Ask for a detail that will give you a good lead of his or her whereabouts in case things go wrong.

6. Always secure evidences on each transaction. In case things go wrong and you are scammed, you still can’t make the criminal pay, if you have no evidence against him or her. Thus, always secure evidences. When you are on transaction, secure valid records of every progress to pinpoint his or her participation. Prefer paying with valid and full-detailed receipts and documents with bank connected accounts like PayPal. This is to confirm to proper authorities that he or she really received the payment out of your transaction and not as payments to debts- the most popular excuse of scammers.

7. Keep your messages and communications recorded and kept for every transaction. One way to secure evidence of transactions is by keeping messages connected to the transaction. This is ideal especially when the person you are transacting with uses a company email or any reliably identified email. Many already have been sued and convicted using emails as evidence. Hence, avoid deleting emails for previous transactions even if they’re done years ago. If you’re worrying with too much clutter in your inbox, just organize your email. Make an email folder where you could keep these records for future references. Next>>>

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