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Simple Tips to Safe Transactions Online (Part 5)

by: Tesa Mari S. Sabao | 28 Feb, 2011 13:34:41

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16. Keep your Facebook profile in private. Have you checked the privacy settings on your Facebook account recently? If not, please do so. Checking it will save you from a lot of hassles on your online transactions in the future. There are certain info’s on your profile and on your wall that might give scammers an open way to **** you or use your identity. These includes your email address, your middle name, contact details of your friends, your cellphone number, the name of your company, and your birth date and place. Most likely scammers won’t take effort in accessing your bank account using the mentioned info’s unless you brag on your wall how rich you are.  However, being humble and secretive won’t make you safe from their super evil eyes. They still can make use of your publicly exposed info’s to prey on your friends instead using your identity. Hence, always check your sent box for suspicious messages. In case you’ve found a sent message you aren’t aware of, tell your friends and contacts at once. There have been reports that even accounts of priests were used to ask for financial donations.

17. Avoid unknown and unreliable friends on Facebook. What’s the use of making your profile private if you’re making them available to unknown Facebook friends? As I’ve said earlier, there are info’s on your profile that will benefit scammers. Are you going to make yourself an open target just because you wanted a record of 1000 Facebook friends? Accept and send friend requests from people you personally know only to avoid headaches in the future.

18. Don’t rely on safety logo’s and website security claims. Again, technology is so advanced that valid safety and security logo’s can be easily copied. Doing this does not even require a technical knowledge. Considering there are a lot of references on how to do this online, almost everyone can copy a logo. Hence, don’t rely on logos and web appearance. Remember what they say, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. Appearance can always be deceiving.

19. Be aware with transaction details. As much as possible avoid transactions that you are not used to. But for instances that you’re in an urgent need and you can’t avoid venturing into unknown, just be cautious of every detail of the transaction. Choose the best possible option at hand. Consult a friend that had the kind of transaction you’re about to take.

Transacting online is a risk. However, its nature shouldn’t hinder in making your life convenient and comfortable. You just have to become cautious and vigilant to what is happening around you. This way you’d feel more secure and safe in doing business online.

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