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Surf Anonymously Away from Hackers with Hide your IP Software

by: Ailene B. Misa | 10 Apr, 2010 22:59:03

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In my previous article, I mentioned about one of the common problem of most Internet user-hacking.  They can browse freely the enire web but sometimes they are at  risk, they might be hacked by someone.  Unaware of it, sooner you will notice that your computer is not working properly. 

This is one of the reason why most of the Virus software prohibits spyware and malware.  This is to prohibit someone to access your persnal computer.  Also, most of the users were afraid to browse the Internet using their personal computer to obviate from hacking.  For some, this is the best way to keep your computer safe from all the threats of Internet crime.

In this article, I will share with you how to hide your IP address so you could surf anonymously away from those hackers over the Internet.

Let us start the discussion by defining what is an IP address.  Wikepedia states “An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a numerical label that is assigned to devices participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication between its nodes.” 

Do you know that all of the computers that browse the Internet uses IP address?  Alright, maybe you are confused so let’s give it a try.  Open you computer and launch the Internet Explorer or yout Internet brower.  In your address bar type this address to know your IP address:  After pressing the Enter key from your keyboard, your IP address will be displayed on your screen.  Got it?

Every Internet users has an IP address like what you’ve seen on your screen.  IP address is like your home address, someone can connect or contact you through this address. 

If you are reading my article, you might not be aware that someone from somewhere is tracking you.  Someone can track you anytime using your IP adress.  This is the factor why some computer users changed the IP address frequently.

There was a recent study conducted, result stated that there was a rapid increase in Internet crimes.  Most of these cases devastated your computers.

Now, let us discuss how to protect your computer from these threats, allowing you to browse without worries. 

One of the most common way is changing your IP address from time to time.  But for some it is a burden.  Or shall I say, it is anot a convinient option to do.

Another way is to hide your IP address.  You read it right!  This is the most recommended way to protect your computer from anonymously hackers at all times.  The only method I know is using the  Hide you IP software.

Hide your IP Software

This is the advanced approach in protecting your computer.  Hide your IP Software was designed to be strong enough to withstand or overcome intellectual challenges or adversity to assist you hide in a false appearance.  It allows you to change your IP address when you surf the Internet.  You can try this software by downloading trail software.  Visit this site to know more and download a trial version:

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I think using new proxy sites like is a good option to hide IP address.

Many people aren't aware that they are in danger when using the internet. Another issue along with hacking is criminals stealing people’s identities on the internet or stealing personal information. I have been looking for a way to hide my ip address so I can <a href=http://www.privateproxysoft...>surf anonymously</a> and I found that using a proxy is the best way to go. Everything you do on the internet will be sent through the company's proxy first, so you want to be sure that you can trust them with your information, or else there's no point in having a proxy.

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