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The Benefits of Connecting Your Blog to Social Networking Websites
People nowadays are so into social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Their reason or should I say “our reason”: These sites offer convenience in sharing almost all kinds of media. These include videos, images, audio files, and also web and blog links. If you want to expose your blog to more readers, then use the bandwagon of social networking. Connect your blog to social networking websites.
Aside from the above mentioned, the following are relevant reasons why you should start tying up your blog to social networking websites:
Benefit No. 1. Connecting to social networks encourages interactivity. We all love hearing what other want to say on things that we share online. If you’d anchor social networks to your blog, you’ll bring conversation directly to your blog. So you see… it’s really an effective way to make each of your post the talk of the town.
Benefit No. 2. It’s an efficient method in creating a viral campaign for your blog. Once a reader pushes the “like” button or the “retweet” button, the viral campaign automatically starts without your effort, as the link to your blog is shared to his or her networks. This opens possibility for more exposure when the link is passed on from person to person.
Benefit No. 3- Connecting your domain to social net sites will bring you more critiques. For sure, you’re asking why I’m considering having critiques as an advantage. It’s because, critiques do improve the way you view blogging. Many webmasters spends a lot of money just to hire people who’ll assess their domains. There are times that you may hate critics. Nevertheless, just instill in your mind that they are offering reviews for your blogs and take note it’s for “FREE”. Connecting your blog to social networks opens you to diversified ideas- good if you want to be one of the best.
Each day a lot of blogs are launched to almost same niches. And because of this, there is no doubt that although the World Wide Web can accommodate all of them, only few will be successful in reaching out to readers. To reach the web readers may sound hard, but certainly this is not impossible. If others did this on their own without professional help, then all of us can. It just takes a little effort and a bit of wit taken only from what we all have, “COMMON SENSE”.
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