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The end of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer

by: Mon Peter I. Damiles | 07 May, 2015 08:37:12

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More than a month ago, Microsoft had announced that they will already put an end to their long time browser, Internet Explorer. According to them, they would be using project Spartan as the codename of the next browser for the upcoming Windows 10.

Windows users are pretty much aware that the default browser that you could use right after you install windows is their Internet Explorer. It is also not new that many users do not like using the said browser due to several reasons.

Even from the start, I personally did not like using internet explorer as my browser because it crashes every now and then which can be very irritating at times. To be honest, you will only see few users that are using IE; you will normally see users using Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome as their browser.

When it comes to the interface of IE, it looks dull. It looks very simple. Sometimes, people tend to look at the design first before they use it and if they do not like how it looks like; they would not use or even try it anymore.

This time, Microsoft gave it up already after how many years. They will be introducing... a new browser for Windows 10 though this would only be like rebranding a product so that users will be curious about it. I just hope that this time, it would be better than Chrome and Firefox so that Windows users do not need to download 3rd party browsers anymore.

So what would be the consequence of this move from Microsoft? Basically, it would affect those users that are relying on the said browser because they are already familiar with it. If ever that Microsoft would remove IE, those users would need to study the new browser and be familiar with it.

I am pretty much curious on how Microsoft would put this one out after failing with their Internet Explorer. I would definitely try the beta version of this which I think would be available soon in order to see any changes that they would do with it.

Choosing an internet browser will always depend on the user. I myself might not like using internet explorer but some might love it. Users have different preferences and that is why it would depend on who will be using it and what kind of websites do they visit.


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