The end of Windows XP
If you still want to use XP, you may still do so but do bear in mind that without the updates, you're computer is at risk. I would really recommend upgrading your OS to a newer version of Windows for you to have a peace of mind.
For those who would want to transfer their files, a simple partition or even a flash drive would do the trick. You could save your files to a separate partition or to your flash drive so that when you need to install the newer version, you could just copy it back but this would only copy your files and not the settings or programs. It could also be possible to use Windows update but it would depend if your computer could meet the requirements.
I know that many are still... using XP not just because it is easy to use but also because it is really stable. I've been a user of XP also for several years and I can really say that it is really stable. For some users, this might be a simple switch but for those who couldn't easily adapt with the new operating systems, it would take time.
When I heard about this, the first thing that came into my mind is those companies that are still using Windows XP. It would cost them thousands of pesos to migrate to a newer Windows version because of course; they also wouldn't risk their computers being vulnerable to viruses or even hackers.
Windows XP has been in the market for 12 years and was considered to be the choice of computer users. Microsoft's move might not be favorable to all but we must face it that it's been 12 years already and it might already be the time to let go of XP and start something new with the current versions. As I've said, it wouldn't be easy for everyone to learn to use the new versions but we don't have any choice but to adapt to the modern world.

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